11 thoughts on “Kim Kardashian Looks Hot in a Silver Bikini on the Beach (20 Photos)

  1. Rump

    Oh shit! I actually prematurely ejaculated when I saw her ass. This has never happened before and I am ashamed of myself for cumming for a female. Am I pathetic to cum for Kim of all whores in the world?

  2. Chester

    Good lord. Kim is worth something like $850 million dollars. She’s always pushing something. Selling something. When do these people ever say, “you know. I’m worth $1.8 billion. That’s enough. I don’t need $1.9 billion.” Do these people ever get sick of themselves? {Some do actually. More than you think.} I mean, “I’m sick of talking about myself, can we talk about something else?” I wonder if when Kim is by herself getting ready for bed, brushing her teeth in her bathroom I wonder if she ever says, “what a bunch of dummy’s. I’m really not that interesting.”…………..I’ll betcha she does. I’ll bet you $10 million dollars she does.

  3. peter dobson

    The first 4 letters in the headline says: kim kardashian looks hot. NOT TRUE. She looks like a hooker who had way too many (or too few) drugclients and pimps who fucked her brainless. Which is weird because in order to get fucked brainless you actually have to had brains in the first play. Take his bag of horse poop to the dumpster and get rid of it. Chemical Waste.


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