26 thoughts on “Kim Kardashian Hot (14 Photos)

    1. Captain Obvious

      No shit. Once she opens her mouth, the hotness goes away pretty quick. Not to mention the fact she likes the black dick. She actually said she only dates black guys, when someone asked her point blank if she ever hooked up with Travis Barker.

      She’s a Kard Karrying Member of the KKK (Kim Kartrashian Klan of Black Pole Riders)!

    1. Spankmaster

      Yes, 100% class and sexy, while definitely Number 1, but only when you’re just like Dockie, who’s into trannies, bestiality, industrial strength jackhammers up his arse, shit loving, eating and fucking and necrophilia, just to name a few of his fetishes. It’s no wonder we all want Dockie dead and aim just as much to piss on his grave. It’s the only thing that will give his life any meaning…

      1. Doctor Dick

        I see Russell Brand is expressing an increasing interest in you. Time to stop the flirting and let him know your prices.

        1. Spankmaster

          Dockie, for your funeral, once all your gay boys have fucked you severely to death, you will obviously want to be dressed in your best Kim K frock, while you are lying face down in your coffin to expose your cosmically gaping arsehole. That way, before we all get to piss on your grave, it will allow all your necrophiliac based male lovers (animals included) the one hour window of opportunity to fuck your arse severely one last time before you get given a dirt nap. I’m sure it’s just want you want as your final wishes…

  1. The dude

    Doctor, my good friend, its always amazing to rejoice as we bask in the presence of our Queen Kim. I am going to celebrate with a soy milk latte with a pump of pistachio, delicious.

    1. Doctor Dick

      She is a timeless beauty, an inspiration and a joy to the eyes. Enjoy the soy milk latte. No doubt those of low forehead and ample body hair will soon be throwing their poop this way. I shall offer them a banana. They so enjoy that particular fruit.

      1. Spankmaster

        Big Mick, I agree entirely, only to add that the dude will have to wait until after Dockie has finished getting severely arse fucked over by that herd of elephants. He’s a slave to his fetishes…

      2. Doctor Dick

        Such a bitter comment from Mick. It almost sounds like he is jealous. I suggest Big Mick is ready to offer plenty of pumps.

        1. Spankmaster

          Yes, Big Mick, is ready to give plenty of pumps, such as fist pumps right to your head, Dockie, so as knock your fucking block off and killing you. And as per usual, it will still involve us all quite happily and proudly pissing on your grave…

  2. peter dobson

    It’s a pity that this one lives now and not about 95years ago. We could booked it on a nice boat named Titanic for a one-way-trip. Nice and cozy with the boatsmen in the belly of the boat. Never to be seen again

    1. Spankmaster

      I agree entirely, but my time frame would have been during WW1, when the Turks were happily exterminating as many of the Armenians as they could. I’m sure, in order to avoid what the Kardashian/Jenner clan has so woefully perpetrated, they would have taken very special care to say the least in making this whole family, ancestors included, just wormfood. These thoughts make me feel so warm inside..,

      1. Doctor Dick

        FYI Spanker. ONLY the Kardashians are PART Armenian. The Jenners are an inferior low forehead breed, probably Australian. That would account for the homosexualness that entered that part of the family.

        1. Spankmaster

          All of them are related to each other, so that’s enough for anyone with a great hatred towards these people to kill them all viciously and indiscriminately. Thankfully, that also includes a whinging Pom like yourself, Dockie, so we will soon still be able to piss on your grave..,

  3. Doctor Dick

    Russell. I understand that Doctors with their massive cocks arouse and excite your homosexualness. However our massive cocks are hetrosexual are used exclusively in the service of women. I should point you in the direction of Australian Spankmaster and Homosexual Big Mick. Both live to suck cock, take cock up the shitter and suck balls. Regards Dr Dick MD.

    1. Russell Brand

      Dockie baby boy, you’re my number one bottom bitch. Spanky means nothing to me, dockie your rhe ultimate cock sucker, your small dick has made you a thirsty fag boy, eager for my hug cock.

      1. Spankmaster

        Thank you Russell for owning up to you being such a fag and also confirming the truth about Dockie. Have fun fucking each other to death, as I’m sure that it will be the only thing left that gives you any pride and joy…

        1. Doctor Dick

          Russell is just teasing you Spanker by flirting with a hetrosexual Doctor with a massive cock. I have told him his celebrity status means nothing to you. You want only girth and length. Apparently he is hung like a really small mouse. More Big Micks style. Regards.

          1. Spankmaster

            You’re only saying all this because Russell is currently arse fucking you while you wear your best Kim K frock, undoubtedly the one you will also wear when lying face down in your coffin. Prepare for us to piss on your grave…

          2. Doctor Dick

            Greetings Spankmaster. I am afraid Big Mick has reported that Russell is hung like a very tiny mouse. No use whatsoever with Mick’s vast gaping hole. I suggest you you carry on sucking Edna Everage’s massive Australian dong.

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