28 thoughts on “Kendall Jenner Nude (11 Pics + GIF & Video)

  1. what's wrong

    The crazy thing about our times is that not too many people publicly talk about looking at yourself and your looks all day is really a sign of insecurity and never leads to real happiness in life. Instead, they show this everywhere and young chicks worldwide – stupid since young – think this must be cool because public chicks get famous when they do this. What’s missing in this time of age are real grown ups showing values by examples and leading young people towards it. It’s like stupid adolescents are running things now.

      1. what's wrong

        Ok but why is that? Because there are many young chicks watching that crap looking for a role model or how to become famous and behave right and get a good life. So this shit is running in circles

  2. barry berry

    What is that …….a phone? {I don’t have a cell phone believe it or not.} What is she looking at? Herself? I don’t understand. People look at themselves in these things all day? Isn’t that kind of vain? I don’t understand the point of some of this stuff. What is it supposed to mean? She’s sitting there looking into this machine {is that what it is} and then what?

  3. Drunken Stepfather

    KENDALL JENNER is not hot, but I guess she’s the skinniest and hottest of the Kardashian / Jenner Avon Ladies who got far too much coverage, celebrity, influence on the retarded young generation who buy into bright lights because their brains don’t actually work…which isn’t saying much since the whole fucking family are fucking vile piles of plastic surgery shit…

    I like to think that her dad cutting his own dick off for attention is a solid consequence of the brand the family created with themselves, and that YOU the people ALLOWED them to create…..all manipulating the media, giving the media shit to talk about, as the public follows them and their vapid and evil ways…this is too big of an entity to shut down, but the fact it even happened is further proof that we are all being manipulated through thought control.

    There is nothing interesting about this trash…but yet people think they are interesting. It is weird. But not really, the public are morons, and just wearing a sheer top at fashion week is enough for us to buy into this trash…

    1. End Of An Era

      The Kardashians will be included in main historical texts to help explain as to why the American empire and it’s currency came to an abrupt end.


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