7 thoughts on “Kelly Brook Looks Hot in Her Best Shoot by Ben Riggott (31 Photos)

    1. THE WALL

      I have one job. You may not like it, and these ageing sluts certainly don’t, but it must be done. And with extreme prejudice.

      The old whores must be shit out into the gutter, for them to find a future life the best way they know how. The young whores must be fed into the machine, and the cycle begins again.

      The machine keeps churning.
      Big or small, short or tall, no-one escapes THE WALL!

  1. T. Ruth Hurtz

    Do you animals feel better about yourselves talking smack about a woman who’d be out of your league if she had leprosy, a bald head and an arm, a leg, and a breast amputated?

    She’s practically perfect and you would all participate with her if given the chance. I say participate, you’d shoot it in your tighty-whities before laying a finger on her, and run crying back to your mom’s basements.



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