Katy Perry Shows Off Her Sexy Butt (18 Photos)

Singer Katy Perry (33) is seen enjoing a pool party in a classic swimsuit with friends and crew after her concert in Rio de Janeiro, 03/20/2018. And she touched her pussy…

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89 thoughts on “Katy Perry Shows Off Her Sexy Butt (18 Photos)


    She stopped bein sexy when she cut her hair. She’ll never be sexy again. Fuckin dyke wanna be whore

    1. Ceckie

      1. Oh please, stop seeking attention my boy obviously if a skinny model girl would be near you she would make you wet as a teenage boy. Instead of post another worthless comment which makes no sense you should learn first how to express opinion as a humble and educated human.
      2. Whatever if a person is liberal or not it doesn’t matter there’s no way do classify a person by any policy status… have a nice day.

        1. Ceckie

          Actually assuming you defend ” Shozbot ” you’re not far from him and others young people on puberty which still can’t realize how might a human should talk about an international sensation, a woman or at least a girl when it comes to write your opinions… Instead of another worthless reply calling ” queer ” a person which could be as age as your daddy you should try to realize the definition of this word first in case you poorly informed cause it’s obvious here are so many fools thinking they are somebody but the truth is they’re only young peers inexperienced about life with no jobs wasting the time on such a website… hopefully you might understand this someday and besides this have a nice day.

          1. James

            Don’t botheralot of guys on here do not understand anything. They lack any sort of intelligents what so ever and can’t even have civil discussion without bring their political views and the orange little fat man they worship, despite the fact he is a traitor to our country. That’s how you get under their skin. They call you a fagot and he gets them all hot. Not to mention most of these guys have probably never even even seen an actual naked woman. Katy Perry is still gorgeous.

          2. What a dick

            Do you want to learn to write in English dumb arse. p.s. she’s a skanky money grubbing whore.

        1. College's Summery

          And ladies and gents,
          Some of you guys act hater projecting such rude words to cover your insecurities about a smart, beauy and good woman like Katy because some of you guys aren’t prepared to give an understatement on what a powerful beautiful and smart woman is that’s the truth sorry for some of you teen boys but I can agree with Cecki too. Goodbye :)

          1. Enjoy

            Wow, if you like her you must love cock. Try the truckers toilet, you’ll have a great time

          1. College's Summery

            Obvious these are the only words a 14-18 years old child would say, get some school and stop type your tampons about Katy so sweetheart obviously the angriest and hating way you’ve replied proven you’re acting like a hater without a better job and please don’t ever think write other replies about women as long as you didn’t learned yet if there wasn’t a woman you weren’t here today. Go and try to achieve the powerful love a woman has and understand it respect it that being the only way for happiness.
            Get some education first sweetheart, that’s the only advice any nromal and right man would give you. Goodbye ;)

      1. Fucking retard

        You call Shazbot attention seeking, while defending this attention seeking whore. Your a fucking retard

        1. get some school

          Attention seeking whore? You came to defend another infant teenager named Shazbot, do you ever wrote something from a normal men point of view guys? It’s obvious y’all only spread hate like the hater you’re when rarely a smart person like Cecki put your disrespectfull asses to school getting some education before spread your hate comments.
          And to end this she’s a super star, probably none of you guys ever talked to her in person, so let me tell y’all she’s more humble, normal and sweet than you teenager’s of this prestigious community called Thefappening could dream at ;)

          1. Fucking Obvious

            She’s a gold digging whore, retard, who whores her body to make up for an amazing lack of talent

          2. Bollocks to that shit

            God forbid I should have to talk to that rich bitch. Telling decent hard working folk their bigots. The tart can fuck right off.

        2. Katy's Love

          Katy such a strong voice and good also such a good attitude being the same humble and sweet girl from day one. So girl that’s right Rock the summer’s days ! :)

          1. Fucking sad bastard

            You wanna get out of your mums basement and meet some real people. If you think this old oinker is sexy, your spending too much time in the company of your dog.

  2. jazza

    don’t and never have understood the interest in this woman – is she really a talent – feted for what exactly?

  3. Clinton 2099

    Well she has the herpes at least. Prob has hep aswell. If you fucked her you had better enjoy it as no clean woman would ever let you touch he after fucking Russell brands ex cumdump.

    1. Mr Ray

      Another dude seeking for attention… How could you make such an insubstantial affirmation that obviously it’s based on your jealousy talking meaningless rubbish which makes no sense… The way you posted this proven your lack of hugs and love from the childhood sorry hopefully you be more wiser one day.

        1. Mr Ray

          What another worthless try to spread your frustration commenting with such a name be careful what you say sometimes could turn around and bite you, instead of spread your frustration assuming your haven’t received many hugs into your childhood you should actually try to open your mind’s eye kid and realize my point was the truth. Who are they and others inexperienced youngers of this website to criticize a woman as she is or others women, hopefully you’ll understand this one day.

        1. college

          In a lack of occupation so easy for some of you guys to spread such tampons comments. Get some school and try to see it’s not gonna give you any satisfaction acting like a hater. Don’t like her be smart and don’t comment it’s simple teen boy. Goodbye :)

          1. Pig fancier

            Thinking of sniffing her fish head pussy has rotted your brain. That skanky hypocrite is as sexy as a pig rolling in its shit. Oink Oink

  4. The Oracle

    I’m honestly wondering if the fuckstick doing the write ups is just some dumbass, horny 12 year old. The writing definitely have that mentality.

  5. Patrick

    Nothing against Katy-Iā€™d bury my face in that ass and wonā€™t die happy until we see her tits-but this post is kind of a waste given the amount of clothing and the photo quality.

  6. Mister Meat

    Christ Crapper, stop writing the captions. They’re fucking cringey. Just do what you’ve been doing all this time and post the pics with a description instead of trying to clickbait us.

    While you’re at it, fucking enough of “Sexy” pictures. If I can find this picture of some lady in some fashion magazine at the airport, it’s not Fappening material.

  7. Fudgepecker

    Alternative headline: ā€Grainy, low-res photos of Katy Perry, in mom swimsuit, walking around on her little dachshund legs by a pool, resulting in the occasional PG-rated partial glimpse of her buttocks.ā€

  8. Dr Poopytits

    If she wasnā€™t famous, nobody would ever suggest she was sexy or even somehwat attractive. Seriously she looks like your girlā€™s 40 year old friend who canā€™t find a steady relationship and lives with 5 cats. Plain face, fat sloppy ass and saggy tits. Plus that hair style makes her look like she just gave up on life.

  9. fradd

    From the waist down, shes a baby-rhino. From the shoulders up, shes a leftard dyke. Mid-torso is acceptable.

  10. dave england

    By “shows off her sexy butt” did you mean “wears a conservatively cut, one-piece swimsuit”?

  11. Spankmaster

    To compare Katy with Justin Bieber is incredibly cruel and tasteless; Bieber looks identical to Miley Cyrus and we all know what kinds of clap either of them are carrying. It’s not Katy’s fault that she got dumped by extreme limp dick Russell Brand, nor is it her fault that the political psychology of her country fucked over her mind in making her a bisexual pro militant looking dyke. Trump is such a corrupting force that just knowing about him has done this to her. I for one am quite happy to give her a serious throbbing experience that will never let her walk properly again.nand I like traffic lights…

    1. MssWenda

      You probably never met a militant girl to give you the proper lesson so you would never talk rubbish again about a woman and by the way maybe’s hard to you to understand how stupid becomes misogyny these days boy that’s why at least try to keep a piece of respect when it comes to a celebrity but actually more important when it comes to a beautiful humble lady as she is hopefully you could realize this okay.

      1. Spankmaster

        Well, MssWenda, it’s blatantly obvious that you subscribe to the same fucked up horseshit espoused by Mz Germaine Greer, which amounts to men needing to be fucked up the arse before they have sex with a woman so that they know just what it feels like from a woman’s perspective to be on the receiving end of a mans throbbing dick. And as that is the case, then perhaps you’d like to remove your head from your arse in realising that she has become a dyke (or at least bisexual) as she actually stated that she did her best to pray the gay away and it clearly didn’t work. She also needs a man like me to set her straight, so get out of my face, fuck off and let me dream of things that you don’t understand. So stand back please, we have lift off…

        1. MssWenda

          And why would you take this so blatanly honestly? Assuming at that hour maybe I wasn’t into such a perfect mood but actually the truth is my intention wasn’t being mean or rude to you… If you take a look to what I said above it was only a specific way of mine trying to make you see that it would be absolutely a big change to good as long as you could try to act with some humanity and love to women when you address your opinions, it’s not gonna kill your pride let’s be honest, it was only with the purpose to make your see that little humbleness way when you’d like to address to a woman, nobody’s gonna take your right from leave a reply but at least you could try to make it a little bit polite, sweetheart ;) We have lift off… dare you good days :)

  12. A. Ray

    Whatever the stupid meaningless criticize these young peers could say she’s a humble pop star and true activism lady peace hopefully these kids would understand to think at their own business someday.

    1. Wake up dumb ass

      She’s a rich, hypercritical, tosser, and if you can’t see through the bullshit and see this, you need to take your head out your ass and have a good look at what she actually is.

      1. Awake long time ago

        Guide by hate and the money issue daring to become rich like others and also a critical age the puberty phase these could be the reasons you choose to act like a hater… Not a bid deal if you ask me but pretty sure you gonna understand this one day.

        1. College

          @ Pig Fancier
          Dear Pig Fancier maybe you’re feeling that way but not me, I’m just real nephew, grew up on the Bay Area so I’m just being myself true to reality in case some teens can’t understand it’s because of their perception anyway.

          Guide by hate and the money issue daring to become rich like others watching TV and also for you that’s a critical age the puberty phase these could be the reasons you choose to act like a haterā€¦ Now that’s not a big deal if you ask me but pretty sure you gonna understand this one day

  13. Mr Ray

    @ Hooch
    Be careful child the way you try to think bad about somebody karma could turn around and bites you… Instead to spread your stupid and meaningless frustration you should have paid attention that what I said to other child with name ” Clinton ” is true in case you guys haven’t learned there is no point to make a comment if you kids have nothing smart to say than your daily meaningless tricks … That’s a tired feeling to see a bunch of inexperienced kids nowadays who doesn’t have anything else to do so guess what when your parents aren’t home you gather here so smart… Hopefully some of you’ll realize this someday.

  14. Xeny

    Nowadays… I can’t understand but let’s assume there might be a few silly people which doesn’t appreciate a person than keep your damn opinion for yours damn it… There’s no reason to start a comment only to show your your meaningless hate and frustration here dudes in case you haven’t learned whatever anybody could say she’s a true icon beautiful voice and humble person along many others celebrities peace. Anyway good changes might come from you first that’s only on us….. these days.

  15. Spankmaster

    Derpy, she undoubtedly got any form of clap from her limp dick ex, Russell Brand, who is responsible for making her a dyke. It’s so sad that men do this, but just as long as we are allowed to watch them munch rug, then it’s all good. So stand back please, we have lift off…

  16. Ceckie

    @ dicklips
    Oh, princess,
    Although by the name you’ve chosen maybe you need to see a psychiatrist asap, you mad cause I’ve spoken the truth against other teens from above which didn’t learned yet how to express their opinions about a woman? … Okay I’m not gonna criticize you by your age but actually because your stupidly reply you gave calling ” faggot ” 50 years old man with a wifey and children… because you still don’t understand yet that showing admiration with modesty, respect and smartness to a woman it’s called maturity and confidence and if you want reach to a little bit of happiness that’s the only way ;) Next time don’t waste your time labeling wrong somebody just because you still on that life’s stage not being enough experienced to give an understatement to other man’s words, no offence but soon or later you as other teen boys gonna realize this. Now have a blessed School Holidays and dare you good sunny days :)

  17. College's Summery

    @ What a dick @Fucking Obvious @ Fucking sad Bastard
    It’s obvious by these nick names you’ve picked up you’re the same person which can’t accept when somebody with more life’s experience about life, women, jobs, putted you into your bench giving you a simple advice before type other tampons comments about women in generally first get at school cause the only thing you’ve and other teens proven was the way you guys projected your insecurities with such hating immature comments about Katy Perry who’s actually a musician and much more
    She has proven many times that she is an independent woman, hustler and she doesn’t need anyone’s financial support so she’s doing her thing while you can’t abstain from expressing frustration same thing I would say for other teens who’s visiting this prestigious tampon website ruled by other 10 rank’s journalists driven by their deception, desperation for making some bucks into such a greedy & ridiculous way posting here stolen pictures from other paparazzi’s sites from photos of public people.
    Get into a library, or at least try to do a good thing to make your parents happy ;) Good luck, at least read a book this summer, goodbye :)

  18. College's Summery

    @ What a dick @Fucking Obvious @ Fucking sad Bastard
    It’s obvious by these nick names you’ve picked up you’re the same person which can’t accept when somebody with more life’s experience about life, women, jobs, that man puts you into your bench giving you a simple advice before type other tampons comments about women in generally first get at school cause the only thing you also other teens proven was the way you guys projected your insecurities with such hating immature comments about Katy Perry who’s actually a musician and much more
    She has proven many times that she is an independent woman, hustler and she doesn’t need anyone’s financial support so she’s doing her thing while you can’t abstain from expressing frustration same thing I would say for other teens who’s visiting this prestigious tampon website ruled by other 10 rank’s journalists driven by their deception, desperation for making some bucks into such a greedy & ridiculous way posting here stolen pictures from other paparazzi’s sites from photos of public people.
    Get into a library, or at least try to do a good thing to make your parents happy ;) Good luck, at least read a book this summer, goodbye :)

  19. James

    @ What a dick
    What could’ve been said by one of those Thefappenin’s teens. Believe it or not I speak and write much better than these teen’s perception could understand. Plus it’s not a big deal to miss some letters when someobdy’s hurry up to type something on a blog. That’s a business contract and I’m not at office today.
    SO instead of criticize somebody better think at your own business.
    P.S. It’s called regional dialect and it depends by the area some people grow into. And yes, I’m American if that’s what you’ve wanted to blame. SO handle your business boy instead of criticize other guys around this blog. That’s right.

  20. College's Summery

    And only I’ve tried to show you sweetheart teens the problem it’s up on you with this misogynistic attitude that’s a part of this puberty stage in your lives though these misogynistic and hate ass comments it’s only a waste of time browsing such website ;)

    Anyway I’m not gonna lose the precious times explain the same thing over and over again so it was only today if there are a couple of smart ones to understand this that’s gonna be them benefit. Anyway, I’m outta this prestigious website called Thefappening =)

    Goodbye and dare you sweetheart teens to enjoy like into a smart way the summer’s days :)

    1. Wake up dumb ass

      Sheā€™s a rich, hypercritical, tosser, and if you canā€™t see through the bullshit and see this, you need to take your head out your ass and have a good look at what she actually is.

      1. College's Summery

        I’m awake before your mom gave you birth you didn’t expected that anyway you’re still behind your Monitor and comment about her not even seeing her or at least have ever met her talking to her while drink a coffee … I’m talking based on my life’s knowledge trust me being rich doesn’t mean always that person is hypocrite tosser greedy and all these remarks you made maybe watching at yourself in the mirror. Try to be best you ever was in a positive way not talking rubbish about some pop stars not being in their shoes. And by the way you’ve addressed to somebody’s which can be as old as your mother or daddy it’s obvious you’re facing some insecurities about girls, life’s perspective and to see the world from another point of view. Anyway, I’ll pray for you son in hope goodbye ;)

        1. Has eyes but can't see

          You pray if you want. Being rich she can talk shit and not have to live with the consequences of her mindless bilge. Its ordinary, hard working people who have to put up with her liberal shit, while she sits in her million pound mansion. Like I say. She can fuck right off. Take off the rose coloured specs

          1. College's Summery

            Being rich she can talk shit you said, to be honest everybody’s free to say whatever they want that’s not a specific ruled based on being poor or rich. Why you have to involve politics bringing up the Liberal shit? The politricks are politricks agree with that but that’s not influence somebody’s attitude, Ya know what I mean sweetheart? Only thing I can’t agree with is how easily you as others could blame somebody just because she’s a public figure not being in their shoes.
            Believe me I’ve been really close having the opportunity cuz of my cousin’s daughter worked as I make up in West Holly ‘ and a couple of years ago I’ve been next to her waiting for some coffee cups being able at the same time starting a little conversation and believe it or not she was just herself being humble, modest as an educated and normal woman too. That was my experience now you can keep your opinion or not I don’t care but when I type a comment I do only if I have something real and true to say. Besides that, dare you a good day.

  21. College's Summery

    That means doing something much better than browse such web like this Prestigious The Fappening =)
    Goodbye :)

  22. General Spank

    That’s available to those nicknames haters
    @ You must be kidding on
    Fucking Obvious
    August 2, 2018 at 1:50 pm

    Sheā€™s a gold digging whore, retard, who whores her body to make up for an amazing lack of talent
    Bollocks to that shit
    August 2, 2018 at 3:12 pm

    God forbid I should have to talk to that rich bitch. Telling decent hard working folk their bigots. The tart can fuck right off.
    Yo is a dick sucker
    August 2, 2018 at 3:13 pm
    Fucking sad bastard
    August 2, 2018 at 2:05 pm

    You wanna get out of your mums basement and meet some real people. If you think this old oinker is sexy, your spending too much time in the company of your dog.
    August 2, 2018 at 3:16 pm

    Oink Oink
    Ok, if some people show their admiration for this singer beauty and I’m on old man with kids and nephews too and for those haters I can let you know she’s not a gold digger and other tampons you wankers said about her.
    That’s clear when there are such hate ass comments about a singer it’s because these teens puberty’s period based on a little life’s experience so they’re gonna complain about every thing they see at a beautiful singer like her throwing insecurities between them lack of knowledge about sex and femininity.
    So, it’s obvious when you weren’t in somebody’s shoes all of a sudden gonna become infantile ass haters

    And as one more thing there was even an article from one of the biggest web news platforms and it’s not called The Fappening of course and there was one maybe the most read article with title: Why does some people under the major age hating on Katy Perry followed by their web’s platform response : ” Purely from a numbers-crunching perspective, 2017 seems to be just another year for Katy Perry, one of the worldā€™s biggest popstars. Sheā€™s had a number one album, a couple of top ten singles and is back on another high-budget arena tour that will take her across the world, including here to Australia next year ” So that’s it, haters gonna hate but she’s doing her thing whether some under major age of you accept it or not she’s the same girl from way back before she became the international pop star she is today.

  23. College's Summery

    The teenager’s haters from the behind a Monitor only type their negative comments about her not even seeing her or at least have ever met her talking to her while drink a coffee ā€¦ Iā€™m talking based on my lifeā€™s knowledge trust me being rich doesnā€™t mean in every case a person is hypocrite tosser greedy and all these remarks haters make. Watch in the mirror look at yourself guys before point with your fingers at others. Instead of type rubbish statements about pop stars not being in their shoes. I’m not intending to criticize or debate in no way your personal life’s cases but that’s obvious The Fappening ‘s haters have many insecurities when it comes to feminity women or public figures maybe because many browsers of this web’s are still under the major age that’s obvious.
    What Most Of These Teens Are Guided By Misconception, Deception and that and this last decade wrong and negative propaganda against feminism. Only listening what other teenagers could say it doesn’t mean that’s the truth. The real feminism never been intended in a bad way to men even more if you’re here today that’s because of a woman to give that respect and love in a sincere way to ” Girls ” it’s not gonna shake your pride kids.
    BTW instead of being guided by negative tampons as negative replies from 10th Hand Greedy Journalists * Many of them aren’t even Journalists but a group of Click Bait guys * rather stick your own daily life than acting as their hypocrite haters spreading rubbish and tampons when it comes to pop stars. Don’t like her music don’t listen it’s simple, Don’t like these photos don’t comment more easier actually to save good time being concerned on real things like your own life sweethearts. Anyway, dare you that wise perception on life and the world one day. Goodbye ;)

  24. College's Summery

    The teenagerā€™s haters from behind the Monitor only type their negative comments about her not even seeing her or at least have ever met her talking to her while drink a coffee ā€¦ Iā€™m talking based on my lifeā€™s knowledge trust me being rich doesnā€™t mean in every case a person is hypocrite tosser greedy and all these remarks haters make. Watch in the mirror look at yourself guys before point with your fingers at others. Instead of type rubbish statements about pop stars not being in their shoes. Iā€™m not intending to criticize or debate in no way your personal lifeā€™s cases but thatā€™s obvious The Fappening ā€˜s browsers have insecurities when it comes to feminity women or public figures.
    That’s Why Most Of These Teens Are Guided By Misconception, Deception even more last decades the some humans if I can call them humans started a whole propaganda’s movement against feminism. Only listening what other teenagers could say it doesnā€™t mean thatā€™s the truth. The real feminism never ever had a bad purpose it wasn’t intended to hurt men just reflect on reality behinds us if we’re here today thatā€™s because a woman gave you birth and giving back that respect & love to that woman also Females in generally itā€™s not gonna shake your pride folks.
    Btw instead of being guided by negative tampons as negative replies from 10th Hand Greedy Journalists * Many of them arenā€™t even Journalists but a group of Click Bait guys * stay on your daily life better than act like haters spreading rubbish tampons when it comes to public figures just because they’re public people it doesn’t mean they’re aliens or different than us but not knowing them, obviously it’s complicated to see that there are many of them got a good heart and that piece of humbleness even inside The Hollywood job’s circle I can assure you that. Donā€™t like her music donā€™t listen to it itā€™s simple, Donā€™t like these photos donā€™t comment on this page it’s easier actually to save good time and rather being concerned on real things like your own daily life sweethearts. Anyway, dare you that wise perception too see life and the world’s blessings one day. Goodbye .


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