Katie Price Sits Poolside with Both Legs in Casts After Her Freak Accident in Turkey (13 Photos)

Katie Price is seen accepting a bouquet of flowers as she sits poolside with both legs in casts after her freak accident during her holiday in Turkey, 07/30/2020.

Katie spent the night in hospital on Wednesday after jumping off a wall at a theme park and fracturing both heels in the process. She will need to have pins in her feet and won’t be able to walk for 3-6 months. Katie is expected to cut her holiday short to return home for further treatment.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/katieprice/

18 thoughts on “Katie Price Sits Poolside with Both Legs in Casts After Her Freak Accident in Turkey (13 Photos)

  1. Lieutenant General : not surprised

    paid the price for not wanting to pay at the gates lol ?.
    anyway, last i heard she was again bankrupt, so how she afford the holiday if she has no so called finances….isnt this breaking the law on basis of fraud & deception. police should be awaiting her arrival into UK and take her straight to jail

  2. Handy

    That’s not a freak accident. That’s just an idiot.

    Also, how weird is it for her to just say, okay camera guy take photos of me sitting here and I won’t look at the camera.

  3. Wal5h

    Most people would go home to their son who nearly died two weeks ago. Not this silly cow, she just sits there roping in the publicity.

    1. Cowboy Henk

      She only wheels Harvey out when she needs sympathy or to get on TV, otherwise he’s a 300 pound embarassment to her.

  4. Dumb Whores

    Surprised this doesn’t happen more often to these bimbos. I assume most have staff around to idiot proof their life though.

  5. Harry

    Total publicity stunt ,,,,how can she go to Turkey without her supposedly I’ll son and she apparently hasn’t got a pot to piss in

  6. Who DaFAQ

    She’ll be in pink furry slippers taking her usual stroll curbside by the time she returns. She’s gone to Turkey for all of her other modifications, so why not simply have the heels repaired there while they attempt to fix her manly appearance.

  7. peter dobson

    Hahahaha so funny. How on earth do you get your both legs injured in an accident??!!! In a Flintstone car?


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