19 thoughts on “Karlie Kloss Sexy (19 Photos)

          1. Nacho

            I believe you are mistaken. If there’s one thing I know about Dieter, it’s that he does indeed suck off old men (and take it up the ass) for cigarette money. This information is all over this site. I can’t imagine how you’ve missed it.

  1. trump isanidiot

    She’s about 6’3″. Not the sexiest woman I’ve ever seen. Married to Jared Kushner’s brother and I believe did convert to Judaism if you want to know the truth. Actually a fairly bright girl.

  2. @'Nacho'

    You are the one who is mistaken – it’s very easy to post comments pertaining to be someone else.

    Unfortunately ‘Nacho’ your restricted and repetitive behaviour patterns mean that you used the ‘cigarette money’ line before, under one of your many other guises.

    You tragic yid cunt.

    1. Nacho

      “pertaining to be someone else” LOL :)

      Your inability to spell and use proper grammar always gives you away, no matter which of the dozens of names you use. You are hilarious. You are gay. You are probably Jewish.


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