Kaia Gerber & Cara Delevingne Get a Bit Close as They Attend a BLM Protest in LA (35 Photos)

Kaia Gerber and Cara Delevingne get a bit close as they attend a Black Lives Matter protest outside of District Attorney Jackie Lacey’s office on the 7th anniversary of the Black Lives Matter Protest in Los Angeles, 07/15/2020.

Kaia: https://www.instagram.com/kaiagerber/
Cara: http://instagram.com/caradelevingne/

28 thoughts on “Kaia Gerber & Cara Delevingne Get a Bit Close as They Attend a BLM Protest in LA (35 Photos)

    1. PeterK

      It’s just another job, they are being ordered by their (Jew) boss to pretend they give a shit about Baboon Lives Matter.

  1. PeterK

    Zionists sending their entertainment industry tools to pretend they give a shit about some cause…the usual stuff.

  2. Lezbonics

    Cara is at it again turning another one into a lezbo. She’s touched more beaver than a gynaecologist at an all female prison

  3. Rich

    White people need to worry about white people and stop trying to make statements. White and black people are fine. Can we talk about black crime at all? Or should we just keep pretending that all black people are angels? This country has become overrun by sissies, no joke. We now live in a place where if you are a white male you are an awful person and automatically a racist and privileged. Gay is normal and trans is applauded. GTFOU! Where has all the normalcy gone? I get sicker and sicker every day from seeing stuff like this.

  4. Severin

    They’re both lovely girls. It would be incredible if they decided to really educate themselves on what they’re protesting and they took a deep dive into pan-Africanism and socialism (REAL socialism, as in the negation of capitalism) and began actively aiding in the promotion of those ideologies/movements. If celebs want to get serious and be “allies” in the uprising, that is the next step.

    It would also be a positive development if these two were to join me for a threesome, and I think that it is even more likely to happen than what I wrote above, which doesn’t make it very likely at all.

  5. Bob

    BLM is a scam, Even the BLM leaders have admitted they are Marxists! They said if their demands aren’t meant, they’ll burn the city down…How can anyone support these maniacs? Blind leading the blind. It was a white man who freed them! Just a scam to get money, and anyone who donated to BLM will see real soon, they got ripped off.

  6. That's A Man, Baby!

    Cara is a dude. His cock is bigger than yours. Stop pretending we don’t all know this.

  7. IRONBull

    Everything in this thread! God this sums up all these out of touch Pathetic fucking white people making believe they care about these dangerous fucking animals. Makes me sick. You live them so. Much take them in. Go to one of their neighborhoods and see how much you matter. FUCK YOU BLMMMMMMMMMM CUNTS .


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