7 thoughts on “Julija Šimić Sexy (6 Photos)

  1. Doctor Dick

    Nothing say’s “fuck me up the ass” like a cup of tea!! Unless it’s Spankmaster!! He’s always saying it:-)

    1. Spankmaster

      Well, Dockie, given that your outrageous lying forbids you from ever telling the truth, then it’s only natural that you are the sort who enjoys being fucked up the arse on a daily basis, especially with it being on an enforced basis by you cottaging crew so that you will always be left as the ultimate cum dumpster and toilet. That being said, the sawn off double barrel shotgun suppository is calling you, so please pull the trigger as many times as you can. You know it makes sense…

      1. Doctor Dick

        I wasn’t sure what brand of tea you drank? No doubt you make your own ‘special brew’ from the soiled underwear of unwashed faggots. Greetings from the hetrosexual world:-)

        1. Spankmaster

          You, Dockie, are the ultimate fuckfaced fag who enjoys making tea or coffee from the sperm and shit of your cottaging crew. As for you being in any way heterosexual, that’s the biggest lie you could ever perpetrate, especially as your arse has allocated for a free trial zone for any male sex species wanting to fuck it, even when we eventually get visited by extra terrestrial life forms and they need to test their probing on someone, primarily you. Enjoy all the enforced sex you will get up your arse, as at some point it will end when your arse gives up in disgust. You know it makes sense…

  2. Chef Boyardee

    Athlete chicks are the horniest. Everytime they get hacked it’s a jackpot. Too bad half the time it’s only lesbo action.


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