Julia Schober Nude (30 Photos)

Check out Julia Schober’s nude photos for Playboy. She poses naked away from the hustle and bustle of the big city and shows her breasts, tits, ass and pussy.

Julia Schober (born July 22, 1981) is a German model from Munich. She was Playmate of the Month in October 2010 for the German Playboy issue.

Julia Schober Nude


4 thoughts on “Julia Schober Nude (30 Photos)

  1. Samurai

    Horrible bolt-ons!
    Shame that she’s German!
    I used to believe German ladies have large natural breasts, from eating frankfurters (LOL)
    Where did this abberation crawl out from?

  2. Mike Knox

    It takes an extra special piece of shit to put his watermark on other people’s photos. Playboy be damned, eh?


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