11 thoughts on “Jessica Wang Puts on a Busty Display at the 74th Cannes Film Festival (21 Photos)

  1. The REAL Fame Whore

    I have an Asian maid to clean up after me and I treat her like shit, I’m thinking about raping her and then reporting her for being an illegal immigrant afterwards.
    Who’re they gonna believe a poor hardworking Immigrant or a rich white successful member of society?

    1. wawa

      Your racism is pure irrational and emotionally driven. At least black people give everyone an ass tons of reasons to hate them. Just like we can use facts and statistics to paint black people as useless wastes of space. Meanwhile, we can’t do the same for asians. So all of that said, you lost a girl you like to an asian guy didn’t you? Or did she cheat on you with one? That’s about the only thing that would explain it. Oh oh, maybe you got diddled by a small asian uncle? Hey, it shouldn’t have stretched your bhole that much ya know?

      1. King Neptune

        Look at what those black pieces of trash are doing in South Africa. The sooner we kill all of them the better.

      2. LOL

        LOL, dipshit Incel, you’re looking at life through piss colored glasses. If I lost a girl to a dorky yellow shrimp dick, then you’re mad at the fact that you have to throat BBC daily. I’m sure you spent many a day getting your ass kicked by black guys and we KNOW you simply shit your pants if one was in front of you. The fact that you put gooks like the one pictured on a pedestal only confirms that you get no pussy (which we knew anyway) and that you never will (without paying for it).

      3. The REAL Fame Whore

        My new thing is spitting on homeless bums, it really cheers me up and makes me feel like I can do anything!
        Cancer victims are always good for a laugh too especially children

    2. King Neptune

      LOL, have you ever seen a thousand of your curly haired relatives with fires on their backs screaming while they’re taking buckshots to the face? Expect to be one of them soon you piece of shit.


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