Jenny McCarthy Nude (6 Photos)

Get ready for a straight-up audacious revelation ’cause Jenny McCarthy is unleashin’ her raw sensuality in an erotic photo shoot for Playboy.

Prepare to be mesmerized by her perfect boobs and every inch of her naked body – she’s killin’ it!


30 thoughts on “Jenny McCarthy Nude (6 Photos)

    1. Carlos T. Jackal

      Uh, wrong side, bud. She’s a notorious anti-vaxxer, which means she’s a right-wing know-nothing.

      1. Spankmaster

        Sorry. My mistake. I’m Australian and not familiar with US politics. I defer to your judgement. Here’s hoping she contracts something extremely nasty from not getting pin cushioned and then realises how fucked in the head she was to ignore it. Besides, she is blonde, so that pretty much sums up everything…

      2. Megatron

        WRONG MORON she IS a DemonRat who voted for the Kenyan Bathhouse Barry Soetoro and the illegitimate pedophile Joe Biden.

    1. Disgruntled werewolf

      Lefty? Where the fuck have you been? She is another right wing antivaxxer. The silicon leaked out and rotted her brain.

          1. Megatron

            WRONG you clueless, dumb leftist. She is a vocal DemonRat and always has been. What part of that FACT is your pea brain failing to comprehend?

          2. Spankmaster

            To ultimately sum this up, she actually belongs to the Aboriginal Lesbian Puppeteer’s Collective. Trust me when I say, you don’t want to mess with them…

  1. Truth

    Those were some massively sexy tits. She was quite the sexy bitch! A long time ago, of course.

    These pictures are obviously photoshopped to shit, she ceased being hot quite a while before these pics were taken.

  2. Captain Clambake

    These trumpies sure trigger easily.

    McCarthy WAS a typical Hollywood Democrat, until she had a kid with autism.
    Looking for someone/something to blame, she latched onto the popular scapegoat VACCINATIONS, and turned her whole life into an anti-vax project. This distanced her from the Democrats, who believe in science and medicine. So she quickly jumped ship and washed up on the red shores of the GOP, who were more than happy to entertain her nonsense as stupid people are their base.

    1. Chester

      Libtards will go through tortuous mental gymnastics to deny the reality of dumb Democrat sluts.

      McCarthy is a lefty democrat moron, who also is a retarded anti-vaxxer (which enrages all the blue-haired commie twit-tards, as we can see in this comments section). She left “The View” because she was asked to be “more Republican”, she publicly stated this.
      She was in a long-term relationship with well known loony libtard Jim Carrey. I wonder what excuse he gave her when he visited his friend Epstein’s Island via the Lolita Express?

      Cry all you want, libtards, but she is one of your own, along with serial moron Alyssa Milano.

      1. NNNNNNN

        I’m on your side here. You can’t convince low-IQ democrats of anything.

        Moreover, there was a peer-reviewed study a few years ago showing a strong correlation between a mother’s HSV-2 Virus aka genital herpes her child’s autism.

        “”We believe the mother’s immune response to HSV-2 (herpes simplex type 2) could be disrupting fetal central nervous system development, raising risk for autism…”

        Jenny McCarthy was your typical loose and skanky Democrat – the exact opposite of a Trad Wife Republican – who caught a bad case of herpes from unprotected secks, and gave her child autism.

        And finally, given the seemingly numerous Chicago references in this blog lately, Jenny McCarthy was and is and always will be far south side Irish Mother McAuley trash. You can take a girl out of the south side, but you can’t take the south side out of the girl.


    Lovely Jenny is one of my supporters, though she has some “challenging” views on vaccinations. But as long as she votes Democrat, I’m prepared to look the other way.

    Unfortunately, when I look the other way I usually fall over something and land on my bony old ass. Hey, come on! I’m 80 fucking years old! I can’t be expected to walk and talk at the same time, I barely even know what day it is.

    But make sure to re-elect me! Otherwise it might be President Kamala. And nobody wants that.
    The coloreds have their place, cleaning, menial work or on a basketball court but not at the top of government. It’s called “THE WHITE HOUSE” for a reason.

  4. Common Sense

    I find it hilarious you fuckers are so down on her because she’s an “anti-vaxxer” yet every single damned one of you will run to the lawyer with your hand out for the class action lawsuits over talcum powder, tylenol, zantac or what ever the current evil drug du jour happens to be. These drugs that were FDA approved and on the market for decades can be accused of causing this that or the other, but a symptom mitigating (if even that) “vaccine” that was supposedly developed over a couple of months with no animal or human trials and no idea what the log term effects might be… that one is the Holy Grail and is above reproach. You people have got to be the most easily controlled population in all of human history.

    1. Spankmaster

      To a certain extent, I agree with you, especially as it concerns all those ‘zine’ drugs (stelazine, Thorazine, etc) that were manufactured to help people control their psychological disorders. Sad fact is that they were actually a bi-product of Sarin gas, the warfare agent that causes people to piss blood from their eyes. Yeah, this is a really great fucked up society that we all live in…


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