9 thoughts on “Jennifer Lawrence Struts Her Stuff as She Arrives to the Simon Miller Pop-Up in the West Village (37 Photos)

  1. peter dobson

    Ok, 37 pictures that are almost the same. Why…. She’s got saggy milk tits and babyfat on her belly. Big Whoop. Very exciting this. Next!!!!!

  2. Chester

    Well………….she’s been looking much better than she was you have to admit. She was down to about a 4 on a 10 scale. She’s back up to maybe a 6.5 on her good days. There is still hope. Just shows you. A little work and a little discipline. I’m actually a bit happy for her…………….because it was getting scary. A bit more work and she could be pretty decent again……….not a beauty for sure…….but decent.

  3. Davidson

    Let’s see the ravishing beauties you lot are dating. The truth is that you’d all love to date someone who looks as good as Jennifer Lawrence.

    1. James

      Her physical appearance is above what I normally catch, but that’s not the point. She’s a rotten person on the inside.


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