Jeisa Chiminazzo Nude (3 Photos)

Here are Jeisa Chiminazzo’s two nude photos from Pop Fall/Winter 2005 by Mert and Marcus. Jeisa Chiminazzo Freche is a Brazilian model. She was born on April 12, 1985. Jeisa has a great body and perfect natural tits.


Jeisa Chiminazzo Nude

9 thoughts on “Jeisa Chiminazzo Nude (3 Photos)

  1. Jake from statefarm

    Damn, taking pictures of magazines to post. Crapper you need to be bitch slapped with your dad’s cock.

  2. Corona

    I would rip her body with a knife from the throat until the belly button, and then I would make sex with her body!

    1. Mr. Loopy

      And your cellmate would take his newly stolen screwdriver shiv and rip you a new one in the liver, to have a good one in you.
      Good luck with that…


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