Jameela Jamil Sexy (51 Photos)

Jameela Jamil showed off her cleavage at the 2019 American Music Awards at The Microsoft Theater in Los Angeles, 11/24/2019. Jameela Jamil is a 33-year-old English TV and radio presenter, model, actress, and activist.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jameelajamilofficial/

10 thoughts on “Jameela Jamil Sexy (51 Photos)

    1. Forehead Magnum P.I.

      It’s the most fucked up hairstyle I’ve seen since congressman James Traficant. Has to be a wig, it’s 99,8% identical in every photo ever taken of her. What kind of horrific disfigurement is she hiding?

    1. Tom (loves pussy) Jones

      The Fake name Faggot also often has one eye closed. Many a day both eyes. He keeps getting jabbed in the eye by cocks.


    Ha, this chick is controlled by her busybody mother. She’s single and childless at age 33, because her mother refuses to let go. Check out her twitter, she’s afraid to leave the house, because she’ll be shot or kidnapped! Nobody, even knows who this chick is, but the mother keeps posting about it. Pathetic. But, still, she’s pretty hot. OFFICIAL SCORE: ‘7 out of 10’.

  2. Cosa Nostradamus

    This chick’s entire existence seems to revolve around Twitter and Instagram disputes about Woke shit like “fat shaming” and “transphobia”. Every headline about her is the same. Jameela Jamil SLAMS Sara Sampaio! Jameela Jamil CALLS OUT Karl Lagerfeld! Jameela Jamil DESTROYS Cardi B!
    This world needs an enema. Just flush out all of humanity with a 600 trillion gallon douchebag and start over.


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