Jackie Cruz Nude Leaked The Fappening (42 Photos)

Check out Jackie Cruz’s nude leaked The Fappening photos. Jackie Cruz is a Dominicanā€“American actress, singer and former model. She is known for her roles in the TV series “The Shield” and “Orange Is The New Black.” You can also see private pictures of her friends in the collection below!

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jackiecruz/

Jackie Cruz Nude

32 thoughts on “Jackie Cruz Nude Leaked The Fappening (42 Photos)

  1. JrSalami

    Uhhh huhh yeah…that one. She looks good sometimes…and sometimes she looks like a 45 midwest mother of 3 body all out of shape…

  2. Joe

    That topless pic of her standing up is actually Diane Guerrero. Pretty awesome! Do some research online and youā€™ll realize it. Same belly button piercing, same shoulders and arms, same arm tattoo

  3. Joe smith

    That topless pic of her standing up is actually Diane Guerrero. Pretty awesome! Do some research online and youā€™ll realize it. Same belly button piercing, same shoulders and arms, same arm tattoo

    1. Cumby O'Boombox

      That is not Diane Guerrero. She does not have a tattoo on her wrist. The nose is all wrong. And most importantly, those tits are fake, Diane Guerrero’s are real.

      1. Jared T

        She does have a tattoo on her wrist but it is slightly different than what we can see…but she doesnā€™t have feet tattoos. Although the belly button piercing holes is a match…Iā€™d agree on the tits, canā€™t tell if these are too perky or fake, but I will say, tits can change over time.

    2. Will

      Your research sucks. Just check Guerrero’s Instagram. Two pics in September show no tattoos in either of those spots on her wrist or foot. Plus, that girl is clearly white. She’s the same one bending over the sink, I believe.

    1. you illiterate twat

      Learn to read you fucking mong. It says in the description “You can also see private pictures of her friends in the collection below!”

  4. Mrs Melotti

    very clear pornecating prostetute !!!!
    did GOD not say: lesbean is worse than murder ?
    yes so this WHORE is most sinnful person on planet
    you are not catolic. you are satanic whorship. end of discuss .

    1. Priest

      No He did not say that, He said no sin is greater than the other. You need to cum to me boy, so I can give you a spermon.

  5. I'm Tyrone and I'm here to fuck some motherfuckers wife. Long dick style!!!

    I really hope there is a sextape of her and Dianne Guerrero licking each others assholes and riding their asses with strap ons.

  6. Name

    Somehow I knew she played both sides of the field. Would love to see the video of her and Diane fucking. Because if they’re bathing together, I know they’re banging. Come on hackers, do your fucking job.

  7. WeNeedDiane

    So you’re telling me these pics were obtained this fast ( because I assume it probably has to do with the wet see through from last week) and nobody bothered yet to get ANYTHING from Diane Guererro ?!?!?! Dude… such a shame… Her nudes would keep me going for weeks!

  8. Z

    She is definitely bi like her character on “Orange”:

    Over 10yrs ago she was on Keeping up with the Kardashians. She hit on Kourtney who was considering it, but her then BF Scott DisIsSick ruined it when they were in a hot tub together. He came out in a white bathrobe and flashed his Liverwurst-sized dick at them.

  9. Z

    She is definitely bi like her character on “Orange”:

    Over 10yrs ago she was on Keeping up with the Kardashians. She hit on Kourtney who was considering it, but her then BF Scott DisIsSick ruined it when they were in a hot tub together. He came out in a white bathrobe and flashed his Liverwurst-sized dick at them.

  10. Z

    She is definitely bi like her character on Orange:

    Over 10yrs ago she was on Keeping up with the Kardashians. She hit on Kourtney who was considering it, but her then BF Scott DisIsSick ruined it when they were in a hot tub together. He came out in a white bathrobe and flashed his Liverwurst-sized dick at them.


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