Natasha Nesci shows off her nude tits, ass and pussy in the erotic photos by Sacha Tassilo Höchstetter.
Natasha Alessa Leandra Pina (Natasha Nesci; born August 3, 1991 in Munich) is a German model. She was Playmate for the German edition of the Playboy magazine in 2022.

I swear kraut women are very open minded despite the country slowly becoming a third world shithole country, but hey, as long as kraut laws allow sex orgy parties in front of monuments to German soldiers in the first and second world wars, I’m happy. German-Asian babies are very beautiful than long-nosed whites.
Are you a lady boy ? Asking for Spankmaster !!
Asking for you and only you Dockie. Remember, you need to own up to your fetishes in being such a slave to your fuckfaced fag ways, so just own up to the fact that you so enjoy being gangbanged by Marc Almond, The Bay City Rollers, Jessica Alves and that group of over sexed, oversized bull queers gorillas. And when you have finished, the angle grinder therapy will be there to keep you extremely raw and ready…
Pretty sure he want’s to be a ladyboy :-) Just securing you some ‘fresh meat’ :-)
All those things I mentioned are your fresh meats…or at least they are before you get your hands and knob onto and in them. But then, as they will all use you as a cumdumpster and toilet, which you love so much, then it all equals itself out…
I am involuntarily celibate.
Me to Fame. Women aren’t worth my time, money and effort. If I were gay it would be so much easier but alas it isn’t so. On the plus side I’m free to do whatever I want when I want and I actually have money in the bank.
Another healthy, fit, fuckable female body ruined by tattoos. I really feel like becoming a serial killer on all these arsehole inkers who have no consideration in making women ugly. My high powered snipers rifle will once again be put to good use…
This is not Spankmaster’s Germany. His Germany is full of trannys to the sound of Marc Almond’s ‘tainted love’.
Fittingly, your sell is soft.
Wouldn’t know buddy, I don’t listen to gay music :-)
But you do enjoy your fuckfaced fag ways, so I dare say the gays who make the music are more to your liking. Just make sure that once they have fucked you over, they use you as the toilet that you’ve come to love, as that is all you are good for…
You know, speaking to you, is almost like speaking to Marc Almond with a stomach full of cum. Are you related (anally) :-)
Not at all related, but I have it on great authority that you like to spend time with Mr Almond in the seediest public toilets at 3 am, where cottaging has become almost an Olympic event. Just make sure all the denizens there use you as the public toilet that you are, as I’d hate for you to miss out…
This is my Germany!