Real person running a program to upload, it needs the bugs ironing out will speak to Fapper about the amount of posts, Nudogram is theirs as well so you are correct.
Won’t be happening it’s his and fappers site

duplicate threads happen now and again, we either merge or remove one of them, sometimes we let them both run in case one is DMCA’d especially if it’s pretty high profile and popular, bumpers and repeat requesters are now being dealt with without warnings in a lot of cases as it’s ridiculous repetition on a lot of their behalf’s, causing frustration for those that are watching the threads for content, same as those that insist on derailing threads or trolling and a warning is being given at the minute for those trying to get their like count up by reposting the same content in a different order or just by waiting a day before posting again, continuing to do so results in bans and or muting without further warnings.
Didn’t consider it a rant more constructive criticism