WRESTLING DIVAS...DON’T USE REAL NAMES All content welcome as long as it’s at least SEXY Use common sense for SEXY


Well-Known Member
How are her hardcore matches scars not showing.
Seen her live ,she is tall slender . Probably wild in bed.
Depends how you look after them. I assume she's more careful than some of the other folk in the scene.

That and she might just be lucky and not scar as badly as some people do.


Well-Known Member
I love this thread. For most of my life I have considered the women of wrestling to be among the hottest of women. I have been slowly going through this thread from the beginning, and haven't seen everything yet, and because of using ways to obscure who is being talked about, makes it hard to search too. So far it seems there aren't as many pics in here of pre-2000s women. Like I haven't seen the likes of $heri M@rtel, Mi$ty B1ue, GLOW women, WEW, NWWL, etc. Also feels like there isn't enough indie women. But I AM only around the 300's in the pages.

BUT The one thing I am really trying to find, sort of a white whale for me, is supposedly Lun@ V@chon posed for like Penthouse and some other mags. I have never been able to track down these pics, not even a thumbnail. Does anyone have them?

I know, seems an odd request. I can admit she wasn't the most beautiful woman, but I don't think she was as ugly as she gets remembered as either, especially when she wasn't gimmicked up. And whether you found her attractive or not, one can't deny she had a nice body.
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