Request Chloë Moretz ?

some people keep saying this was photo shopped.
When I first saw it, I had no reason to think it was photoshopped, so that's just a bizarre claim because... why? Why would someone go through the effort of manipulating a picture just to have her in a bikini? I guess it's a subtle approach, but I've never seen a fake that opted for subtlety over "Hey, look, you can see her nips!"


She's getting slightly publicly slutty already guys!


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for me not sure it's her because no face ..... and breasts !!!! no comparaison possible so ??? during fappening session hackers said they didn't have Moretz even she was on the famous list of leaked celebrities !! I never saw any pics of her on spam !! and now some pics appear on the net !! waouu


for me not sure it's her because no face ..... and breasts !!!! no comparaison possible so ??? during fappening session hackers said they didn't have Moretz even she was on the famous list of leaked celebrities !! I never saw any pics of her on spam !! and now some pics appear on the net !! waouu
If your talking about those tit pics then yea who knows. But if your talking about the blurry bikini pictures, those are from Instagram.


If your talking about those tit pics then yea who knows. But if your talking about the blurry bikini pictures, those are from Instagram.
yes of course I talk about all tit pics !!! for others I agree, found on her instagram account.


not a body double, she said in an interview that she was wearing a sheet so theres no nip, it's just illusion.


not a body double, she said in an interview that she was wearing a sheet so theres no nip, it's just illusion.
Keep dreaming. Or, if you really want to know, use google. If you dont know what goggle is, just type and search for chloe moretz body double/if I stay.


Staff member


  • Chloe Grace Moretz Tits 00.jpg
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    Chloe Grace Moretz Tits 01.jpg
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1) She had at least FOUR doubles in the film.
2) From a brief look on DDG, no interview seems to mention any sheet - myth?
3) Scenes like this are *always* shot with pasties or the likes - no actress would shoot a scene like this with more visible to cast and crew than is needed. You honestly think Chloe would? Particularly given her age at the time? Really?
4) Even if it were not just a trick of the light - she was underage when the film was made. And released. The male cast member there, the producers, director, editors (who, FYI, would have checked any frame for things like this for that reason) would all be in pretty deep legal shit - not to mention from her agent, family etc. And of course the site admins here, who have posted these. "Oops".
5) Pareidolia + desperation.

Either its a massive conspiracy taking in all those people and facts or... you're seeing a trick of the light combined with weird desire. Which is most likely of these two things?
pretty sure somewhere on here the already talk about all the underage nudity that is in films and movies please don't start this shit again


The picture your all freaking out over is half a millesecond of dark BS, shot with a 16 year old. (at the time)
If she wanted to show nipple, it would have been for more than a millesecond because
A. Extra pay.
B. As guy said above, they don't have 16 year olds running around nude on set just to show nip in the dark for a millesecond. They have to get a lot of legal forms signed for that, and still after that, more than half the film crew WILL feel uncomfortable and even protest on set because if a form wasn't filled correctly, the whole crew can be reco'd into child pornography charges.


I think a "sex scene" constitutes `in a sexual position/act`, so you kind of shoot yourself with that one. Also; this isn't 1968, and this IS a Hollywood produced film. With contracts. Very specific and legally binding contracts.
Again, despite what you might wish.