PromptHub - AI Generated Celebs + Requests (Nude/NSFW)


You’re not wrong
Staff member
@PromptHub , nice thread you’ve got going, suggestion as to stop repeat requests of already done celebs, on your original post that started the thread as you add a celeb if you update the first post and create a list then the members can see who you’ve done and then scroll through to find them and we can keep the thread clean once requests are fulfilled and your list updated.


Active Member
@PromptHub , nice thread you’ve got going, suggestion as to stop repeat requests of already done celebs, on your original post that started the thread as you add a celeb if you update the first post and create a list then the members can see who you’ve done and then scroll through to find them and we can keep the thread clean once requests are fulfilled and your list updated.
That's the plan!
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