OnlyFans Marnie Simpson


Troll removal expert
Staff member
Welcome to the demonstration thread, this is what happens to grown men (and the odd woman, oh yes there are a couple here;)) when content described and promised is not supplied by the content provider. Marnie has managed to turn horny humans into deranged demons selling their souls for £20 a chocolate bar a can of sprite (other brands do exist) and a how to guide on getting yourself blocked by the content provider if you complain right;)


New Member


Messiah of all things Fappy
Staff member
Yes, staff member. Let's clog up the chat with more nonsense. Was there a need to be a prick because someone made a comment you didn't like?

I'll accept my ban but before I go... don't be a hypocrite. You're really aren't as special as you assume ✌️ PEACE!!
Here we go, another rebellious nerd, cock in hand leaving us all wondering why his mother didn’t just swallow.

Let me put it to you so even your simple mind can understand.
We (mods/staff) don’t get paid. We basically volunteer to deal with dipshits such as yourself, and spend the rest of the time worrying how evolution seems to be going in reverse.
It would appear people cannot read rules, either that or, like yourself, they feel they are ‘above’ them. Meanwhile the rest of the folk here follow the rules and have no problems.
If we’re dealing with this shit, you can bet your ass that we are gonna make it as enjoyable as possible. It’s a by-product of frustration by responding to rule breakers in a harsh manner.

So, now that clears that up, I’ll leave you to digest that… however I’m pretty certain your brain has reflux when it comes to digesting logical information so I won’t hold my breath.

But remember, at the end of it all we’re the people spending our own valuable time banning idiots, whilst you rise up as a super-nerd and rebel … on a porn forum.


You’re not wrong
Staff member
Yes, staff member. Let's clog up the chat with more nonsense. Was there a need to be a prick because someone made a comment you didn't like?

I'll accept my ban but before I go... don't be a hypocrite. You're really aren't as special as you assume ✌️ PEACE!!
It’s all shits and giggles giving admin a bunch of shit knowing you’ve got a back up account, it’s a real bitch not knowing admin can see that back up account, good luck:oops: