Leigh-Anne Pinnock


Well-Known Member
been out there for weeks already.
Recently all I've seen from you is comments like this bragging that you know everything that is happening, have seen every set etc and treating anyone who doesn't devote as much of their time to the Fappening but do still want to see celebs bits like plebs.

Your standard comeback to people asking, and probably posts like this, is "Well if you shared some then maybe we'd share XXXX celeb". I know back in the day you did post a lot of stuff but to be honest, I can't recall you actually posting much at all recently (and I'm being generous there).

My point is, everyone is here for the same thing so let's just work together rather than playing power games. If this set has been out for weeks then it has no trading value so just post the pictures when someone asks politely (or post a link if that is too much hassle)

Living in the UK as I know you do, we've got enough bullshit and blustering going on everyday with the clusterfuck we've become so spread a little cheer and goodwill. Now I think about it , there are loads of tits and twats on show everytime you turn on the TV but I'd much prefer to see these ;)


Well-Known Member
Not more pictures unfortunately as I don't have them but I just wanted to apologise to Pharaoh on here for our earlier tiff. We've chatted on DM and I've explained I was pissed off with those general type of posts and unfortunately unloaded it on him personally rather than to all who do it.

We've agreed to revert to acting our actual ages (13 for me mentally) so I just wanted to put it on here too.

Now back to the tits! (hopefully)


Well-Known Member
Great posts thank you. Is it just me who finds it strange how a popular pop star stuff get's leaked so easily. Yet ones that have been talked about for months etc have still yet to surface.
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