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Active Member
Your claim of that not being her is more fucked than people claiming its her. At least they have "proof". All you little kids do is hear something on the Internet, believe it, then you hear something different and your opinion immediately changes because if it's on the Internet, it's true...
BEFORE YOU CLAIM ANYTHING....PROVIDE PROOF FAGGOTS. Don't just be a little kid commenting fake on every pic with no face.
You need to watch how you conduct yourself..warning is given to you


Keep warning and deleting your best members and posters. It will sure help the site a lot.
Damn dude, is it that serious to you? Grammar aside we can at least be somewhat respectful of each other or at least we should try.


Damn dude, is it that serious to you? Grammar aside we can at least be somewhat respectful of each other or at least we should try.
this isnt reddit.
go back to the first month and see how we treated each other. just like other forum sites.
and mods here are pissing me off.
Ever since they got mods NOTHING has been posted to the main site. All theyve been doing is warning and deleting members (and certain content) for STUPID reasons like "inappropriate language". And dont say there hasnt been leaks, because i personally have some from the past 2 weeks. Im not posting them here because of all the rules. IDK what the hell rule im gonna break.
so if you all seriously cant take being called a faggot over the internet, then you really need to go back to reddit.
Ive personally seen mods call members fucking idiots just for posting a picture in the wrong section. So mods are also hypocrites and SJW's.
You guys really need to get off the high horse and let us do what we do best....Post shit in the wrong section and call each other faggots. While you guys should be sitting back and adding content that is posted, while deleting underage content and double posts.


this isnt reddit.
go back to the first month and see how we treated each other. just like other forum sites.
and mods here are pissing me off.
Ever since they got mods NOTHING has been posted to the main site. All theyve been doing is warning and deleting members (and certain content) for STUPID reasons like "inappropriate language". And dont say there hasnt been leaks, because i personally have some from the past 2 weeks. Im not posting them here because of all the rules. IDK what the hell rule im gonna break.
so if you all seriously cant take being called a faggot over the internet, then you really need to go back to reddit.
Ive personally seen mods call members fucking idiots just for posting a picture in the wrong section. So mods are also hypocrites and SJW's.
You guys really need to get off the high horse and let us do what we do best....Post shit in the wrong section and call each other faggots. While you guys should be sitting back and adding content that is posted, while deleting underage content and double posts.
You missed the point. Just cause its the internet people should be disrespectful? It's not the mods job to add content, just make sure things run smooth and people don't flame each other. If things bother you here why come here?


OK first of all i didnt even directly call anybody a faggot. i just said the word.

Secondly, I wasnt referring to fooster. hes the basically the only one who isnt acting rationally when it comes to warnings.

Im not even trying to start shit. Im just trying to tell you what the perspective of a week one user is.
and my perspective is this is turning into the Auschwitz of forum sites because you guys get butthurt t0o easily. FYI, theyre just words...on a computer screen.
im down to be "nice to each other"
and im down to post more pics.
but not if im going to get deleted for an "edgy" comment on a site that posts way more "edgy" content than a word that means gay person or cigarette.
get over it, or get butthurt and delete me.


Deleted? Aren't you still posting things? I don't get it. You have fun with whatever it is you enjoy, I'm exiting the situation.


Well-Known Member
lmao so this is the upcoming ausschwitz
and agree 100%, all mods are so arrogant, how can they be so stupid to make their job and keep the forum clean
and you want fapper to get suid cause some idiot posted child porn on his site?
we all are here to fap but there are some rules and as long as you don't do anything forbidden you won't have a problem with us.
with lovely greedings

BJ fan

It's not the mods' fault that the main site hasn't been updated. Fapper the site's admin has been on holiday for at least the last week and a half. If you want to blame anyone for not updating the main site, blame Fapper.

OTOH, the last few days while he was around weren't so good, as some of the main site's content was deleted due to DMCA.
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