Caroline Flack


Well-Known Member
It seems wrong that I found out that she had died with a notification from this site.

RIP Caroline. She seemed a lovely and funny lady.


Worst thing is I don't feel like she's someone who was hiding depression for years, she genuinely was that happy, smiley person that we saw, and she was turned into this because people love making others suffer, dick heads on Twitter who love seeing people's lives ruined because they made one mistake, these are the sort of people who would attend public hangings.


funny how several tabloids have removed news items they eagerly posted in the preceding days to her death, once they heard of it? shame on you, the sun, etc.... :mad:


i reckon they've got far more important things to deal with than worry about what's being said on a forum like this? :rolleyes:
Such a shock , as Jaybrad said up until all the shit in recent months she seemed a happy laughy person ,, ive never understood how papers can release names and details before people are found guilty in court, seems unfair they can be judge jury and executioner.

reporting she had been arrested is news , but then filling the paper with her private life isnt news its just a way for the papers to decide if they want to ruin a career or not , seems a shame someone would rather take their life than live with newspapers shitting on you from a great height when its not necessary to print
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