Alisha Lehmann


You’re not wrong
Staff member
Does anybody else just think she's dog ugly? Wouldn't get a second look on a Saturday night out.
Gonna go with NOPE , there’s some dog ugly women in the world, she ain’t one of them, she’s not my thing but she’s not ugly by any stretch of the imagination, sounds like some real angst that no matter what you do the closest you’re getting to tapping that is a hole drilled in the wall padded with cotton wool soaked in baby lotion and a strategically placed poster of her over the hole and try to control the sobbing as you bang the wall knowing it’s as close as you’re gonna get;)


Well-Known Member
Oddly mate no, the people who follow this thread find her attractive.
Fuck knows why people feel the need to post shit like this, if she’s not for you move on
I get his point, if she was a little bit chubby she wouldn’t be nice. Look at her sister


You’re not wrong
Staff member
I get his point, if she was a little bit chubby she wouldn’t be nice. Look at her sister
But she‘s not chubby, she looks how she looks, does she plaster her face in make up, yeah no doubt and he wasn’t saying that he was saying she’s dog ugly, which has now come down to bang average, one more post and he’s gonna be admitting to sly wanks;)
She's all make-up, flat chest and ass looks good in shorts but not so much in a bikini. Bang average.
Your perception of her is fair comment, just don’t get why on a porn forum full of big chested “pretty” women you needed to come here to let us know how dog ugly you find her, if it was a footy forum maybe, still not sure what it would have to do with anything though as her looks have nothing to do with her footballing talent but I digress, simple truth while you may not find her attractive if you woke up after a night on the drink and happened to find yourself crawling out her bed as she lays snoring and farting last nights kebab out, no way you wouldn’t be straight in the bathroom high fiving your reflection in the mirror , wiping ya knob over every item of fabric to leave her your scent and pocketing a fistful of her undies and a pair of unwashed match day socks for future reminiscing faps and not forgetting the obligatory complete camera roll of selfies with cheesy grin, thumbs up and arms reaching for the sky like your hero had just scored the winning goal in the cup final and one last pic of ya resting your balls on her face.
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You’re not wrong
Staff member
mate...i have to agree with you, at first when i first saw her i thought she was nice, but really now, its only her arse that what people are looking at, but it certain photos, its just bang average
Great then we can all agree that the 2 of you would have a cock fight over who did her from behind as you both find her unattractive but don’t mind her ass, now that’s cleared up maybe the 2 of you could continue your mutual disgust of her face but appreciation of her ass via dm and anybody that does like her can enjoy the content.


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