Added 15 more images to the
Kate Beckinsale post, using a new model I trained with a much better dataset than before. The previous model was like 90% images from Kate's thread on this forum, which is mostly just from the last few years. I did a search on another forum and was able to find some high quality content from the last 15-20 years. Added 150 new photos to the dataset, most of which were older than the last few years, doubling the size of the dataset. I think the results look a lot nicer here, but will improve as I train and merge more versions as usual.
Right now I'm focusing on improving the datasets for my remaining models, before I choose the next one to work on. I have some extra time right now so hopefully that won't take too long, but going through hundreds of images, cropping and captioning them all manually can certainly be time consuming. It will be fun once I get to improving the dataset for the Dove Cameron model, as I've now added like 20 screencaps from her recent leaks, which should obviously help the model a lot.
Once I'm done with that, I currently have a list of 500 celebrities I could potentially make models from, and ever since the last couple celebrity AI models I've made, I now go through the whole list and do a tournament bracket to decide who to pick next lol.