Faith Mullen Sexy (33 Photos)

“Geordie Shore” star Faith Mullen is seen a red bikini while on holiday in Tenerife (2018). Faith recently revealed she is trolled daily about her weight and called fat on a daily basis.


83 thoughts on “Faith Mullen Sexy (33 Photos)

  1. Crappers Mom is a WHALE

    Ok…I’m making Crapper’s New Year’s Resolution… He will post NO MORE FUCKING WHALES either ON the beach, or OFF the beach.

    Jesus…have some common decency, man, and stop assaulting our eyes with these fat hogs. No one should be subjected to that…EVER.

  2. 2 l8 m8

    i have to say thanks to this retarded moderator to make me quit from fapping with posting these disgusting creatures over n over again.

  3. blue9999

    Look. i am sad that the whale got beached and will probably not make it. I really am. I might even send money SO THIS TYPE OF ATROCITY IS NEVER PUBLISHED AGAIN!!!

  4. dude

    The disgust doesn’t stem from her being fat, its truly the entire flaming dumpster she is……. the fat, the face, the rats nest hair, the attitude she has, the comments she makes……….just trash all around

    1. Remus

      There are plenty of real women that aren’t fat, square headed lumps of lard going about. If this is all you can hope of pulling on a night out then rock on Tommy but for the most of us we wouldn’t dream of this thing wobbling towards our beds

  5. Gary

    I think you forgot your site is for nude, leaked celebrities. Not fat, bathing suit nobodies. How much did she pay you to post this

  6. Karlos

    After seeing these pictures I think I’ll go on grinder fora few days.

    Alternatively, the fappening could up their game by leaving the English reality ‘stars’ off this site. They’re revolting….. especially Lisa Appleton,Frenchy Morgan, Chloe Goodman….need I go on.

  7. RedMaster

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    They say the cryptocurrency Sibcoin can become a millionaire. Do you think it makes sense to buy this cryptocurrency? With Bitcoin, I already missed my chance.

  8. Craggy

    My dick just vomited! She has a figure like porridge in a body stocking. Don’t get me wrong, I’d smash it… Into a wall attached to a crane and a chain with Miley cyrus riding her fat ass in!

  9. Wilson

    Sounds like she’s put herself into a good headspace in order to deal w the trolling. Weird how men are mad at her (or any plus sized women) because some of them DONT want to have sex w her…I’m sure has an incredible personality and after a few months getting to know her on a deserted island, I’d be all about it.

  10. Tiredof it

    Is it me, or has this site become a place for posting obese woman, ageing porn stars and Instagram cockteasers (with their “nudity”). This site used to be good. If I started my own site (how the fappeningblog used to be), would any of you visit?

  11. StopPostingThisShit

    It says “she’s trolled daily about her weight and called fat on a daily basis”.. That’s probably because she is. She’s not thick, she’s just fat. And she also paints her makeup on. She’s fat and ugly and this type of shit shouldn’t keep being published. Based on the comments you can see that the people have spoken.

  12. Yall are fucking sad

    Lonely guys living in their basement are soooooooo upset at this lmao. Nobody told your dumbass to click on chicks you think are disgusting, that was your doing not Crapper.

    You know what I do when I see women like this? I keep scrolling. Unless I want to be entertained by guys that jerk off to their own comments on a message board.


  13. effxgyn

    In the normal world she would be okay, fat but with tits to make up for it. Probably prettier without the clown makeup.

    In the world of attractive women who we want to see naked, she is well below the bar and we should not be subjected to her. I click for the comments as the virgins losing their minds is endlessly entertaining.

    These concepts are not mutually exclusive, she pops up on a slow day just like any other C-D list Brit celeb.

  14. Jean Pierre (The Idiot) Lourenço

    My mother was almost this good looking about 50 years ago. If only I’d slept with her more then rather than now in my desperate days. I always hoped that with my half a brain and her half brain we could have a child with one whole brain.


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