Dawn Wells Sexy Collection (12 Photos)

Look at Dawn Wells’ sexy photos and screenshots with a few hot scenes from “Gilligan’s Island”.

Dawn Elberta Wells (born October 18, 1938) is an American actress who is best known for her role as Mary Ann Summers on the CBS sitcom “Gilligan’s Island”. She and Tina Louise are the last surviving regular cast members from that series.

10 thoughts on “Dawn Wells Sexy Collection (12 Photos)

  1. Spankmaster

    Dawn Wells went or record saying that she was one of the few women in Hollywood who didn’t fuck Elvis Presley. Well, I suppose he was the equivalent of Harvey Weinstein, so there we all are…

  2. klawicki

    I don’t know how you can fap to such a terrible tragedy. It is a lot like fapping to Schindler’s List. These poor 7 people were stranded on an uncharted island with no phone, no light, no motorcars. They didn’t have a single luxury. That is as primitive as can be.

    Sorry, but to me, that is a boner killer.


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