Courtney Stodden Sexy (33 Photos)

Courtney Stodden and Shondo Blades share a kiss on the beach in Malibu, 10/17/2017. Courtney Alexis Stodden is an American actress (Love Addict), adult model, recording artist, reality TV star. Age – 23 years old.


20 thoughts on “Courtney Stodden Sexy (33 Photos)

  1. Jim

    I wonder if people are going to believe this is actually anything more than a publicity stunt. Both of them were recently on a reality matchmaking show. They didn’t set them up together, they were set up with different people. They tried to act like the guy was a famous MMA fighter and that Courtney is single. Neither is true. He’s a wannabe actor and she’s been in a relationship with some Asian guy for over a year. But they both need publicity so this photo shoot comes out.

  2. JR Salami

    Yuck…I know the black guy thinks he has won the GRAND PRIZE…banging this white ho…but come on everyone and anyone could do better. This bitch is 23 looks 53…n has huge fake tits…is suffering from noassatall and looks completely used up…n wasted 24/7. All she has left is her stank box hole….n that leathery skin.

  3. Aunt Jemimah

    The asian dude she hangs out with is gay. She’s the only white ho that could find a black dude with a little cock. This is sad.

  4. kell

    she looks really s3xually frustrated and trying to make doug jealous by letting media take pics of her w/ any men even if they’re just strangers who aren’t interested in her. since she lost her virginity, maybe her lust increased and has a desire to be a qorn star. monroe wasn’t that too low, she was smarter.

  5. modern man

    I really like to see white women hanging with black men. My favourite genre..she likes chocolate u can tell


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