Courtney Anne Mitchell & Corey Feldman Arrive for a Shoot in North Hollywood (109 Photos)

Corey Feldman (49) and his wife Courtney Anne Mitchell (30) share some PDA while arriving to shoot an Anti-Bully PSA at Hate Stops Here in North Hollywood, 04/08/2021.


29 thoughts on “Courtney Anne Mitchell & Corey Feldman Arrive for a Shoot in North Hollywood (109 Photos)

  1. wawa

    50. Still dressing like a 20 year old rave dweeb. Getting diddled by the weird albino monkey really did him in eh

    the girl is yikes. Must be one of those Russian mail order skanks, obvious gold digger and when you have a face like that a 50 year old Z list star is about the best you’re going to do. She didn’t even make the hand holding, hugging and kissing convincing.

    1. G

      I assume you’re referring to Michael Jackson, who suffered from vitilgo (as proven by the coroner’s report) and not only has Feldman vehemently denied any instances of abuse by MJ, he has even given the names of those that ACTUALLY abused him, which was ignored by the police.

      MJ has – and always will be – innocent. Proven innocent on 14 counts in ’04, investigated by over 20 FBI departments for over a decade, a 70-man police raid on Neverland found absolutely nothing and not one single “victim” went to the police and instead opted for financial gain through a civil trial. Yet the media won’t report any of this and morons like you will keep the fabricated bullshit alive. Do your research. Look at the facts. Otherwise you will just embarrass yourself online by people like myself.

      1. wawa

        Be that as it may with the skin condition, he went and got plastic surgery to look more white. Dude was batshit insane.

        1. G

          That makes absolutely no sense. All you’re doing is parroting false media reports from 30 years ago. Like I say, educate yourself.

        1. G

          That is ridiculous logic. He was found innocent because the facts, accounts, and evidence presented in court proved him to be innocent. Gavin couldn’t even keep his story straight. His brother Star also contradicted his accounts altogether, DA Sneddon fabricated evidence and attempted to retract it, having also submitted weeks of last minute paperwork because nothing substantial could be collated. Sneddon also abused his power and issued over 100 search warrants on MJ (this amount is only necessary for murderers and the likes), and even searched areas of Neverland that weren’t permitted. All searches found nothing.

          Janet Arvizo also had a history of using her sons to pull similar demands with other celebrities like Jay Leno and Chris Tucker. Not only that, but they tried to say MJ held them hostage, which many, many witnesses have counteracted and stated they were free to come and go from Neverland as they pleased, often leaving for weeks at a time before wilfully returning. MJ was barely even there when they were – again, witnesses and staff say that he was either working on music or in his dance studio whenever they were around – to say he held them hostage is completely ridiculous. They even tried to pin a porn mag on MJ from NL with Arvizo’s fingerprints on, but it was later revealed that the magazine was in fact dated months after they already said the “abuse” ended, and the reason it had his fingerprints on it was because Sneddon handed it to Arvizo to look at (without gloves on) before submitting it into evidence. All facts of the case are similar and obviously conclusive that nothing ever happened.

          This is only one case. I could go on and on because I’ve looked into each case against Michael in great detail – through books, documentaries, court documents, witness accounts, etc. – and every single one was equally flawed. Don’t believe me? Look into them yourself. Watch Square One on Youtube/Amazon Prime, watch Lies of Leaving Neverland on youtube, watch Chase The Truth, Watch Loving Neverland, read “conspiracy” by Aphrodite Jones, read court documents that are accessible online. Don’t believe the lies that the media sells you. Look at the facts that they refuse to shine a light on. I wouldn’t go into this much detail unless I was absolutely certain that MJ has repeatedly been accused of crimes he didn’t commit. Like I say, not one “victim” went to the police, and instead opted for a civil trial where only money was the outcome. It’s not a coincidence. Once again, like I’m telling wawa above.. the evidence is there, don’t ignore it.

          1. Jimmy Saville

            A grown man, who freely admitted on film to enjoying sleeping in bed with other people’s young children. A grown man sleeping with young children. There is a name for that.
            Sorry, not young children – just young boys. MJ never had any interest in young girls. Lucky for them. And lucky for me, all the more for me! Thanks MJ, you were my kind of guy!

    2. LOL

      Yet again Wawa continues to prove himself to be the biggest retard here. Corey says Michael didnt do anything to him. So it appears that the “albino monkey” is innocent, and given the names Corey released, he was getting ‘diddled’ by snow chimps just like wawa, and plenty of them. Anyone surprised? Meanwhile sad little wawa is still saving up his bananas so that he can bribe one of the yellow jungle monkeys he loves so much to ignore all standards and mate with him. Tsk tsk.

  2. The Voice Of Reason

    “Courtney Anne Mitchell & Corey Feldman Arrive for a Shoot in North Hollywood”
    Hopefully, they didn’t miss.

  3. Lou

    Ironic that they were shooting an anti-bullying campaign and I feel the need to bully his tiny, silly ass.

    He really is a sad character.

  4. Totally Innocent Harvey Weinstein

    Which one of them has less pride? The whore using a z-lis has been as her boost into the Big Time, or the z-list has been clinging to the distant drug-addled shreds of his youthful fame?

    Btw, did you know Dee, from “What’s Happening!!” actually made something out of her life, becomming a veternarian. So rare …

  5. Sven

    lol, crazy that he actually looks like Michael Jackson now. Dream a Little Dream was the shit. Great movie. Say what you want but Feldman has had a helluva career in Hollyweird.

  6. Traveler

    Corey pointing around: “And hollywood bigwigs ass fucked me over there, and over there, and over there, and over there, and over there…”

    1. wawa

      You know his career did die once he outted Hollywood. He should have named names. Amazing how a major child star can accuse Hollywood of having rampant pedophilia and the media sweeps it under the rug. Next thing his career is dead.

      Yet one old dude can grab a model’s tit and it starts an entire movement? Honestly I think that me too shit was nothing but a scapegoat to distract from the worse shit.

      1. LOL

        God damn youre a dumb motherfucker. Tit grab? Weinstein was a serial rapist for around 20 years. Not surprising that a loser piece of shit incel like you would defend him though.

  7. Mr.Loopy

    Feldman got his back doors well and truly kicked in when he was a kid, I bet he didn’t enjoy it as much as me!
    Ungrateful cunt keeps harping on about it like it was a bad thing or something!!

  8. MG

    This right here is what Hollywood does to child actors…they treat them as gods in order to make millions off them, all the while teaching them absolutely everything wrong about what the real world has in-store for them just on the other side of puberty. Now instead of getting calls from only the best producers, they are more likely to get called a pedophile than for casting…. Fast forward a few years and they find themselves daydreaming about what could have been while barely surviving off churning out one low budget title after another. Then 20 years of non-stop drugs and alcohol combined with living a total lie of a life
    causes a total psychotic meltdown, most likely triggered during a recent taping for “Hollywood and Child Stars – It’s 2045 – Where Are They Now?” After repeated attempts to act like John Wick thru what is described as Buns of Steel meets Billy Blanks Tyboo, Mickey Rourke who is now 125, crane kicks the poor fucker out cold. Waking up to a flood of repressed memories involving ball gags, someone named “The Gimp”, being hogtied by a group of Society Elites including Epstein/Weinstein/MJ/Clinton/Bush Sr. and Jr while they play diddle diddle where is my piddle and you’re favorite Sure Daddy, I like warm lemonade….you realize that you A NOTHING MORE THAN ANOTHER TOY TO BE USED TO MAKE THIS GROUP OF UBER RICH EVEN RICHER WHILE SATISFYING THEIR DARKEST FANTASIES WHILE THEY DO NOTHING BUT LIE TO EVERYONE ELSE WHO SEES THEM AS PILLARS OF THE FILM INDUSTRY… CHAMPIONS OF LIFE AND THE HUMAN SPIRIT, WHO MAKE MOVIES SO WONDERFUL AND THOUGHT PROVOKING ONLY SOMEONE PURE OF SPIRIT AND MORALS COULD CREATE SUCH WORKS OF ART. AREN’T WE A BUNCH OF STUPID FUCKERS…WE HAVE GIVEN THE KEYS TO THE KINGDOM TO A BUNCH OF SOULESS, MANIACS HELL BENT ON ONLY ONE THING…..MORE….MORE…..MORE….MORE MONEY, MORE FAME, MORE SEX, MORE KIDS, MORE DRUGS, MORE HOUSES….


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