Christine McGuinness Poses for MyVibe (53 Photos)

Christine McGuinness is pictured showing off her amazing figure and ample cleavage while on a photoshoot for her gym wear range MyVibe and Pulse Roll Massage gun with Anthony Quinlan in Manchester, 01/08/2021.


16 thoughts on “Christine McGuinness Poses for MyVibe (53 Photos)

  1. GerMan

    If I tried to massage my asshole with that, the whole damn thing would just slip right it.

    Now I gotta try it. ;)

  2. GerMan

    Y’all know, I’m not a big fan of fake tits.

    But once in a while, it is great fun to play with, suck on, and FUCK big fake tits if they are well-made and if the babe is very sexy otherwise.

  3. Lord Fartington-Quim

    Someone should tell her and that confused looking bloke where that minge hammer is supposed to be used, they seem pretty clueless. Can you imagine her blushes when she finds out you’re meant to use it on your front bottom?

  4. The Voice Of Reason

    Second…this dumb cunt clearly couldn’t find her own cunt with both hands…and neither can she.


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