Christina Aguilera Performs in London (12 Photos)

Christina Aguilera performs live at London O2 Arena on tour, where she was joined by the lead singer of ‘Years & Years’ Ollie Alexander to perform Christina’s song ‘Say Something’ together, 08/05/2022


13 thoughts on “Christina Aguilera Performs in London (12 Photos)

    1. MAGA

      Trump Presidency: Peace and Prosperity! Biden Presidency: War, Global economy in ruins, Ukraine destroyed, thousands killed and maimed, Now they are starting on China. Trump removed American soldiers from Iraq and Afganistan giving those people their countries back.

        1. MAGA

          I am just saying how the world today is, and how it was under Trump. If the leader of the richest and most powerful nation on earth (by far) is not responsible for the collapse of the world economy, the war in Ukraine, etc I have to ask ? Why not? Also Trumps Presidency did result in prosperity and a booming world economy, and he did get the US out of two war zones. Rather than making idiot comments try looking at events and forgetting your own preconceptions of one particular man.

  1. Tom Jones

    I’ve been around this site long enough to remember when

    ‘The REAL Fame Whore’ was the ONLY one who would dare criticize

    one of these old hags.

    Now, everyone is jumping on the bandwagon.

    Even the simp admin is doing it.

    I’d call that a win.


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