Check out Tünde Fekete’s nude photos from Hungarian Playboy (2013). The model from Budapest showed her perfect body on the beach and in the pool.
Tünde Fekete Nude (9 Photos)
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Check out Tünde Fekete’s nude photos from Hungarian Playboy (2013). The model from Budapest showed her perfect body on the beach and in the pool.
Tunde Fekete showed off her beautiful body in a nude International photoshoot “Bright Affection” by photographer Robert Haas for Playboy Plus (2014). Green-eyed, brown-haired girl spreads out on the couch in a t-shirt and shorts, and she just can’t wait to show you what’s under those pesky clothes.
Tunde Fekete (aka Tünde Pavlik) is a Hungarian Playboy, bikini, and fitness model. She was born on January 10, 1982 in Budapest.