16 thoughts on “Cara Delevingne Topless (4 Photos)

      1. LOL

        He’s not even close to being the first dumb trailer dwelling incel to point out misspellings where none exist. There are quite a few major dumbasses here, usually spewing racist stupidity.

          1. LOL

            Though I find a meaty cock in the anus is much easier to find, I find the gloryholes down by the meat packing warehouses to be the best.
            Those brawny workers know how to really pump a girl’s anus!
            Hee Hee!

  1. Jay~D

    These dumb fucking sluts and their shitty tattoos.
    Only good thing about them is they are visual red flags, so these mentally damaged whores are easy to avoid.

    1. Jay~D

      Hilarious of the tattoo artist to not tell her that the definition she wanted tattooed on her arm, wasn’t the correct definition of the word “Dormiveglia”.
      Probably saw some of her “acting” and thought to himself “Fuck this dumb bitch! I’ll tattoo whatever she tells me to, even if it’s wrong and she’ll look like a fucking dumb cunt!”.

      Tattoo artists like a joke, just like the rest of us. They have some great stories about the dumb shit that morons ask them to tattoo on their bodies. And they will do it, even though they know it’s dumb.


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