21 thoughts on “Camila Cabello Heads to the Gym in Soho (18 Photos)

  1. SKL77@osu.edu

    Please old chunky butt is not going to the gym! She is going to the taco stand to suck the excess oil from peoples fingers when they are done eating. You can find her there every day from 12:00-2:00pm

    1. Cosmo Kramer

      It appears you have a mild form of Intragluteocranuial Syndrome. No, I think it’s a severe form of this common infliction. In layman’s terms, you have: Your head up your ass.

      There is a cure, but requires an irreversible operation: The surgery, which is called a ‘Plastectomy’, involves installing a small piece of clear plastic in your abdominal area, so you can see where you’re going, with your head up your ass.

      As for Camilla, even if she had any form of developmental disabilities, she would still be far more intelligent than you will ever be. Anyone who says another person has Down Syndrome based on their looks, probably has it themselves. It must be coping mechanism for idiots, like you.

      1. Deacon Clapcheeks

        Are you Camila’s boyfriend and gym trainer? You’re doing a lousy job and really kissing her lumpy ass.

          1. Belch

            Well he has my panties down around my ankles…but then all the boys do!


  2. Sam

    Read she has anxiety problems. The anal suppository might help calm her down a bit, and I can help fit it right in her pooper. And out of the kindness of my heart, Id even stick a finger in to make sure it stays there.

    1. Cosmo Kramer

      That’s a lie, because you have to be able to read, first. Nice try, since we know you have your Momma type your comments for you. It’s obvious, because of the proper use of grammar and punctuation.

  3. jamcan

    No tats, an honest, imperfect body, cute as a button and a great voice. I’ll bet she’s a rocket on the sack as well.

    Give me her over a silicone Sally any day.

  4. Steven R

    That face is too legit to quit. She just needs about a years worth of baby fat fucked off her. Voila, problem solved.

  5. Big Mick

    Most of you incels talking shit on here would cut off your left ball to worship Camila. The problem with the rest of you is that you are closet faggots like spam whore.
    Crapper know a hot piece of ass when he see,s it.


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