Callie Cattaneo Nude (5 Photos)

Callie Cattaneo was photographed entirely naked by Charles Lucima for PSM (2016). Callie Cattaneo is an American model from Los Angeles. Age: 23.


Thanks to CJ for the info!

5 thoughts on “Callie Cattaneo Nude (5 Photos)

  1. BillyBlob

    So, I guess *any* anorexic (or not, judging by some of the fucking COWS you have on this site) who gets in front of a camera, and makes all of the standard facial expressions is a ‘Model’… This world has gone to hell in a handbasket.

    1. dotconnector

      Yes, connect the dots. Nacho can’t get a woman because he is a dweller loser, so he posts angry-boy, anti-women thoughts on the internet. A-to-Z = Nacho is an incel.


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