11 thoughts on “Busty Latto Performs at Coachella (29 Photos)

  1. Spankmaster

    What exactly is she performing for? How to make people projectile vomit as she does her thing? Well, I suppose the cleaners at the show have to make their money somehow…

  2. Marcus Aurelius

    When you know your music alone wouldnt sell and you dont want the crowds to find out, let that whore in you out.

    1. Jay~D1

      Because she only female artist to dress sexy. Lol where do you see people vomiting? Haters will just make up random stuff for people that’s doing better than them.


      1. Jay~D

        Ignore this guy, he’s an imposter. He’s easy to spot, as he’s such a simp.

        Fuck this guy, and all his fake devilry!

  3. Huh

    Straight-up crapper I hope you straight-up get murdered. Straight-up. I straight-up hope you die. Straight-up straight-up. Straight-up straight-up straight-up straight-up. I straight-up hate you crapper and want you to straight-up die. Straight-up.


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