16 thoughts on “Brooke Burke Sexy (8 Photos)

    1. killian James

      Imposter^^^^^^ Jy’s ‘n fokken meit, te fokken bang-gat om jou eie fokken naam te gebruik. Ek is fokken lus om jou op te fok, maar mens kan nie ‘n fokken lafhart soos jy in die hande kry nie.

      Glo my, as ek jou ooit in die hande kan kry, sal ek jou so opfok, jou mamma sal skreeu en weghardloop vir die opgefokde stuk vleis, direk uit ‘n gry-film uit.

      Fokken doos.

  1. killian James

    From 1988 – 1992 she was spreading her legs to Shawn Ray, a black body-builder. She is over the hill rotten meat. Come on, can we skip the putrid meat of coal-burners here. They are walking corpses to self-respecting white men.

  2. Tiredofshitcomments

    Fuck off what do you queers want to see some Maitland? Some Lisa Appleton? Shut up she’s gorgeous and no where near as used up as your gay comments

      1. TheReaper

        She’s too skinny, but she’s not used up trash. If your wife looked this good at what–45? 50?–you’d be happy as can be.

  3. barry berry

    Brooke. You used to be really hot and you had a nice smile and you were very likable………….Give it a rest though baby. You’re not a 3 point shooter anymore. Try an stay within your range and you’ll be fine.

  4. TheReaper

    The problem isn’t that she’s old, it’s that she’s too skinny. She’s till very tight bodied, but needs to add a little more fat . . . some of it into more muscle . . . some of it just . . . fat.

    But, overall, she looks pretty good. Isn’t she around 50? I wouldn’t be complaining if that’s what my wife looked like at 50. After all, I could always take her out for a cheeseburger. Or sneak some weight gain pills into her lemon water.


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