21 thoughts on “Britney Spears Sexy (96 Photos)

    1. Sheldon

      Antidepressant medication will do that. She’ll recover maybe, she did just quit her Las Vegas gig. If she balloons up we’ll see how long her gold digging guy pal last

  1. Handy

    We all knew she is borderline retarded, but dating a dirty jihadist goat fucking Mohammed child diddling Arab?

    1. Ryan Large

      Your everything thats wrong with this country u goat fucker…that “arab” would whip ur ass u fuckin racist clown lmao!

      1. Handy

        That’s fine, I shot plenty of his inbred family members overseas like dogs anyway. ALLAHU ACK-aaand dead.

  2. Kosmo

    Shes very close to being the use to be hot late 30s kinda chunky divorced chick you see at Walmart. You know the ones. The kind you see in the personal hygiene section buying shampoo and condoms and you’re like, she shops here too?

  3. Allah's Snackbar

    This isnt her first go round riding the kebab stick. She was fucking that arab paparazzi guy around the time she had her breakdown.

  4. Kevin

    Why does she suddenly look much heavier after just recently posting workout videos where she looked fantastic?

  5. Sheldon

    These goat fuckers are the reason why there are harmful STDs in the world like gonorrhea and syphilis and much much more. Syphilis came to being because he’s Arabs were humping sheep.


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