Britney Spears is Free (18 Photos)

It was reported that Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Brenda Penny ruled that the thirteen year long conservatorship over singer Britney Spears is to be terminated. She’s free!


16 thoughts on “Britney Spears is Free (18 Photos)

  1. tom jones

    Why would a 27 year old personal trainer

    be interested in

    a 40 year old, crazy, post-wall, pop singer?

    He’s going to get all that money! LOL

  2. pdog_01

    Free to do what? Lipsync some more “music?” Do half-hearted dance routines in her stage show? She’s not going to show any more skin than you’re seeing here. She’s always been a tease, and now she’s just an old tease. Glad she’s “free” but I wonder if she’s mentally in any shape to manage her own life.

  3. The Voice Of Reason

    Who gives a shit.
    All the fucking problems in this dumpster fire of a world right now, and this old fucktard is the lead story on the evening news?
    Who gives shit about her shitty life decisions.

    1. Spankmaster

      And I don’t know why you want to see her naked, Doc. You’re only interested in being shat upon, mouth first, and then happily fucking the shit untIl you feel like decomposing. Get your facts straight, you extremely pathetic fucking waste of time…

  4. Disgruntled werewolf

    I give her 24 months before she is married, totally loses her shit again, and is either dead or committed. Between now and then, she starts an Only Fans page and starts posting nudes and goat sex pictures.

  5. Chester

    Well…………she isn’t really FREE, just kinda free. By the way the boyfriend isn’t going to “run off with her money.” {Do any of you actually read the newspaper articles all the way through?} All her money {or 98% of it} is still being eyeballed and controlled and watched over and so forth and so on. There are more “stipulations” and “agreements” to her losing the guardianship than Carter has liver pills. You really believe a Judge would have agreed to this and put either her or her boyfriend in a situation where they could walk up to the Teller at the bank and say, “excuse me. I’d like to withdraw that $60 million?”…………What world do you live in? All her money and everything she does is still eyeballed and scrutinized 24/7…………I’ll bet you that out of her $60 million at least $40 million is in a Trust that she couldn’t even get too and if she tried she’d have to go through 16 Judges to get it. She’s :Loopy. You know it. I know it. Do you think some Judge who went to UCLA doesn’t know it? C’mon.


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