Braless Lourdes Leon Steps Out in New York City with Friends (100 Photos)

Lourdes Leon steps out in New York City with friends to have lunch and smoking a day after her mom Madonna shared a topless photo on her Instagram, 07/08/2020.

Lourdes was seen eating with friends and later going to smoke inside a near park also showing a tattoo of her sister Mercy in her left arm.


28 thoughts on “Braless Lourdes Leon Steps Out in New York City with Friends (100 Photos)

  1. Brian Spenser

    She is taking after her mom with the armpit hair. She looks like she takes huge long stinky poops and doesn’t flush.

  2. JrSalami

    WOW…I can’t tell if this bitch looks like that on purpose to prove she’s “different”…or does she actually NOT TAKE SHOWERS for days at a time…

  3. Handy

    She got her mom’s nipples.

    I’ll take that bet, I say either heroin or Rx drugs in less than 10 years. 1 bitcoin

  4. Mickey Varco

    She took up a bit of her mom’s bad habit but I don’t mind how less hairy her armpits are’ maybe she’s a bit hairy on her vagina, she does have a hot body’ maybe someday she’ll show it off when she has the courage too’ rather it be for the Fappening or something else she does it for. I look forward to the day she does’ like mother, like daughter’ I hope!

  5. Some A-Hole

    I would totally fuck her. Then when she went to sleep I would shave her armpits and steal her weed.

  6. Dead Christian Brando

    Have ANY of these celebrity sprogs done ANYTHING with their life, other than waste it?

  7. Severin

    Since she’s in the city, she’d be remiss to not visit me so that I can lick her armpits while she sits in my lap.

  8. Lord Fartington-Quim

    Imagine how embarrassed shes going to be when she sees these photos on the internet and realizes that she forgot to shave.

  9. Carlos

    Thank you Lourdes for showing off your body hair and braless breasts. Your nips take after your mother, but yours look darker and larger, and like your mother your black armpit and pubic hair is rampant. But you’ve inherited your father’s genes too, giving you that masculine face, dark skin and those chunky hips and shoulders. Bet your pussy lips are dark brown too just like your nips, and covered with thick coarse pubic hair – it must smell amazing when your genitals are aroused. I would thrust my cock into your hairy pussy, watching your plump, droopy breasts bounce around, until you beg for mercy and I squirt semen over your hairy anus.

  10. Doug

    One thing for sure, Mini Madonna is definitely slumming it with the pseudo crust anarcho punk wannabes, thinking shes so counterculture and stick-it-to-the-man so fucking ironic when her mom IS THE MAN.


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