Braless Bianca Censori Heads to Cheesecake Factory with Ye in LA (150 Photos)

Ye and Bianca Censori head to Cheesecake Factory but arrive before they open. They go for a short walk as the crew opens the restaurant 10 minutes early so the VIP couple can get in.


33 thoughts on “Braless Bianca Censori Heads to Cheesecake Factory with Ye in LA (150 Photos)

      1. Spankmaster

        How about a bazooka up your arse to help spatter you everywhere, you extremely fraudulent fuckfaced fag? I’d be more than happy help you in that instance..,

  1. AJ

    Before you mock the man for his pants, know it comes with history. Back to when our species didnt have any on the plantation.
    We picked and toiled and sang
    In cheerful swagger swung our wang
    Left and right, and right to left
    Left and right, and right to left

      1. AJ

        Moon crickets WHILE we plowed, not after. We would be too tired anyways to sing after all the plowing – the land and each other.

    1. Name

      You crackers are so weird. No one thinks about black men as much as you pasty fags do. Get some therapy, you inbred, pale, mutant mutt, fruit boy.

  2. Name

    Why do you keep promoting this woman? She doesn’t even have a fucking job. A literal do-nothing bitch. Stop posting this…thing.

  3. someyungguy

    She’s only 29? Damn, she’s got the body of a 45 year old soccer mom. uhly skank. Did she never learn how to dress herself?

  4. Jim

    Always the rubber boots and plastic sweatsuit in LA weather. You know that dude smells so bad. And any self-respecting individual would ask his “slave” to please not to leave the house dressed like she is. Sad state of affairs on both of their parts. I bet her momma is proud.

  5. Spaz de la Whoreta

    Someone should tell Ye that Hitler would have sent him and this whore to the camps under the general heading of “social undesirables”.

  6. The Voice Of Reason

    He looks like he’s either trying to lose weight with one of those ’80’s sweat suits or he’s going to be driving with plutonium in the car.
    She looks like she needs an extraction team to get her out and back into the real world.

  7. Spankmaster

    Why does it look like they’ve committed a serious crime, but no one gives a fuck? This is one great excusable case of where Rodney Kings attacking police officers would be put to good use. Yes, time for the truncheons to be out and for this pair, the game is up…

      1. Spankmaster

        Now, now, work with what you have. You could have been President, but you ran afoul of the law, tsk, tsk…

  8. Spankmaster

    Just to add, the way he’s scratching himself in the first few photos clearly indicates that she gave him more than just her undying love. Obviously, they’re both heading for a lengthy stay at the clap clinic…


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