20 thoughts on “Blanca Blanco Does a Christmas Photoshoot on the Beach in Malibu (20 Photos)

  1. GerMan

    My penis is the smallest penis I’ve ever seen.

    If you knew some of the shit I was into, you’d know that was really saying something.

  2. The Voice Of Reason

    Oh, for fuck’s sake Crapper.
    First, that support hose wearing fag hag Pheobe Price. Now, this used up hose-bag?


  3. Lol

    Wow she’s so hot. I’d run out there and collect the sand thag her ass sat on and then cum on the sand at a later date, then return with the cum soaked sand and put it back into the ocean and that would create a mermaid spawn. Wait a few years and Crapper would be posting “Sexy” photo shoots of said mermaid spawn containing zero nudity. I can’t wait.


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