Billie Eilish Shows Some Skin at the Concert in Miami (12 Pics + Video)

Billie Eilish gave a concert in Miami, where she prepared a surprise for the fans, 03/10/2020. Billie takes off her voluminous clothes. For the first time, she took off her clothes in public, showing a figure in her underwear on the big screen. The backstage monologue of the singer told about body shaming.


58 thoughts on “Billie Eilish Shows Some Skin at the Concert in Miami (12 Pics + Video)

  1. Us All

    Hey, Tom Jones (or whatever name you’re using today), you have nothing but derision to spew at women because you are involuntarily celibate. We all know it. You will die an ugly, overweight virgin; penniless and alone. Choke on that, bitch.

    1. Gadget

      So you want to extend the silent E in “huge” to a longer silence?
      Or is it pronounced “hew-JEEE”?

    1. La

      Y’all are a bunch of disgusting pedophile pigs. If any of you have daughters I hope they get the same respect you put out there.

      1. La is a Pedophile

        So you want these people daughters to suffer because you dont like what the parents are doing online? I think we found the REAL piece of shit projecting on here. Atop being such a psychopathic monster, with that response and thinking you belong with the monsters. Funny how people reveal their true nature thinking they are safe behind the internet. Funny but sad. Have a good day, please stop wishing sexual abuse onto peoples children, you sick fuck.

    1. Just the facts

      She only won 5 Grammy’s
      She only had the top Album of 2019 according to Billboard
      She only had the #4 single for 2019 according to Billboard

      1. duh

        People are idiots, awards don’t mean shit. Corona beer has had problems because people are so fucking stupid they think it is somehow linked to the corona virus in the news.

      2. Destroyer

        Flavor of the month. Awards don’t equal talent. Stop defending people you’ll never meet and who don’t know or care you exist.

      3. Just the facts the phag

        takes no talent to do what she does and she doesn’t even write her own songs. anyone can mumble and whisper, drunks do it day in and out.

      4. James

        @ justtgefacts,
        That only goes to show what state the music awards industry has reduced itself to. She could win 10000 awards, it still doesn’t make up for the fact that her music has no depth or meaning.

      1. wawa

        Gross. Once you go black we don’t want you back. But 9 times out of 10 when you see a white chick banging negroids they typically always tend to either be dumb, a massive skank or BOTH.

  2. hurr

    what a dumb whore. she complains about people sexualizing her, then what does she do? she uses her tits to get attention. lol never listen to women, they’re always full of shit. actions don’t lie, mouths do though.

  3. JrSalami

    lol…all the lil white guy mad because she loves BBC….again all your favorite white girls also love the BBC…why you think they get those enhanced lips, ass, tits, hips…? for lil white cocks? NO SIR….

    1. El_T

      Lmao dream on… you wish it was ‘all [our] favourite’ white girls.

      As opposed to the reality, which is a few skank girls chasing some porn-hyped ‘bbc’ fetish… and maybe, if you’re lucky, a few classier ones who find a relatively wider range of faces attractive and/or don’t care either way re. color.

      And most of us still hate that marketing gimmick ghetto style silicone-inflated look your talking about, no matter how hard they push it on audiences. The gutter trash that fall for it are a minority.

  4. FistUrSis

    She’s so courageous. What is she 18, what does she know about the world. Now from fame she’ll know even less, but try to be some kind of spokesperson for some cause or another. It’s probably the people behind her encouraging, like Greta. All for what, to stay relevant, sell records. A giant load of shit. I dont buy it. I say stay cool, be a rock star, not a pussy. Oh I body shamed myself, I gotta show the world how dysfunctional I’ve been.

  5. Carlos T. Jackal

    Ugh – “Body issues.” Here are the issues: If you’re too fat, stop eating and start exercising. If you’re too skinny, start eating. If you’re ashamed of your body, do something about it. This isn’t difficult.

  6. iron bull

    I can’t wait until she totally folds and takes those fat jiggly 18 year old tits! These crazy bitches don’t know what they want anymore. Fat lizzo gets half naked this Billie gets in A bra it’s empowering . Give it a rest fucking iddiots. Just suck on our cocks like good girls and shush it. Simple.

    1. El_T

      I definitely wouldn’t, famous or not… quite an ugly face, which she likes pulling grotesque expressions with, and as far as her ass is concerned all I can think of is a in stupid interview she gave recently (where she was being a preachy vegan douche) where she started to talk shamelessly about how much she enjoys shitting. So unless you’ve got a sick fetish, that pretty much ruins all pleasant thoughts of her ass. Can’t say I give a damn about boob volume either when they belong to that face. But… I do quite like the sound of her voice, I’ll give her that… wouldn’t say she was ultra-talented but by modern pop standards she’s a good musician. Just not a looker. ‘Body positivity’ propaganda is generally always deluded bullshit, of course.

  7. trump isanidiot

    She’s fat and she’s talentless…………Just the Facts survives by eating shit with a spoon.

  8. Chester

    She’s an asshole, a rich as fuck asshole but still an asshole beyond that she has a few cool songs a nice set of tits and a semi chubby ass that will go south in 5 more years. You may never see her tit’s as she has a HUGE complex about them so come on hidden camera leaks. The sooner the better so we can move on to the next.

  9. burt

    She just wants to show off them big titties. Has nothing to do with body shaming. She’s a sexy little broad, good voice, big tits, fat ass, pretty face, straight teeth. Can’t hate on that. She could wrap her legs around my head any day.

  10. White men are pussies

    In the this comment section there seem to a few white men obsessively talking about black men. Why are you so enthralled with black men? It’s very strange. And talking about other man’s dick is very odd. Some of you persons of a lighter hue are so focused on black men’s dicks. Is it jealousy or is it lust?


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