Bianca Censori Shows Off Her Nude Tits, Ass & Pussy at the 67th GRAMMY Awards (184 Photos)

Kanye West and Bianca Censor attend the 67th GRAMMY Awards at Arena in Los Angeles, California.

Bianca caused a global meltdown when she showed up fully nude at the 2025 Grammys, while her man stayed all covered up. Talk about a power move – everyone’s still buzzing about it!

67 thoughts on “Bianca Censori Shows Off Her Nude Tits, Ass & Pussy at the 67th GRAMMY Awards (184 Photos)

  1. Sideshow Boob

    Telling a drug addict that she can’t have any more drugs until she wears a see-through dress (and nothing else) to an awards show with you is NOT a “power move”. It’s just blatant abuse of a drug addict.

    1. Doctor Dick

      She us good at tucking her enormous cock, we Doctor Dicks like our women with huge monster cocks, you f.a.g.g.o.t

      1. Spankmaster

        Dockie is only capable of feeling anything in having huge barge poles up his arse. It’s the closest he will ever get in feeling tight these days…

    1. Disgruntled Werewolf

      She’s also mentally ill. The best thing that could happen would be for all restaurants, clubs and events to ban both of them from attending and have them removed on sight.

      1. Brazilian boy

        Blah,blah,blah! “we planned to ban them because I’m gay and I don’t like seeing naked women” FUCK YOU! We predict that Trump will ban you from the USA.

  2. Doctor Cocktopussy

    The real power move here would have been plopping down on the red carpet, spread full eagle, and just start rubbing her clit. Such a missed opportunity to do something truly transgressive.

    1. nubsauce

      Pretty much what I was thinking too…

      I would totally lose it if so many other girls did that, but when she does it, it’s just not hot…

  3. very important prick

    In some pictures you almost see her begging for someone to save her, where in other pictures she’s almost proud to be there, the things women do for fame and money….

  4. a man

    Imagine you think you’re doing a provocative performance and publicity stunt of some sorts, but deep down, you’re just the toy in the hand of an abusive puppeteer. Look at these blank stares of hers, ffs… *smh*

    1. Brazilian boy

      I hope so, I want to see this, if possible in 4k images hahahahahaha. come on Kanye make this happen for us!

  5. Brazilian boy

    Kanye is a genius, and only other geniuses are capable of realizing this! Bianca is right, she should wear whatever clothes she wants, even not wear any clothes at all, she has this right! To the Americans who are complaining, I have a message: send Kanye and Bianca to Brazil, we will welcome them, deport them! hahahaha #makewomensexualizedagain

  6. Hugh Gentry

    Roxanne, you don’t have to put on the red light – those days are over, you don’t have to sell your body to the night (or make chuff-whistling noises as the wind blows across the red carpet)

  7. Severin

    That Woman is a walking war of annihilation on the savage forces of neo-Puritanism. She’s a female Lawrence of Arabia, raiding the Turks and taking “NO PRISONERS!”

    Behold, Bellona in all Her beauty! Glory be to Her name!

  8. Tiktakking

    Women: “Respect all women!”
    Also women: Do this shit. And she’s far from the first to wear a nude dress at this carpet events.
    She’s the one who did it and everyone is mad at kanye somehow lol. Does she not have a brain of her own?


    Pobre chica, sale con un boludo que la obliga a salir desnuda en un lugar donde no es para hacerlo. Ni las pornstars salen así en las premiaciones de películas para adultos. Coincido, los ojos de esta chica demuestran que no se siente cómoda mostrando su concha afeitada en publico. Dicen que el negro la obliga a usar lo que a él se le ocurre, o incluso salir con conchas en un Grammy.

  10. Spankmaster

    Why did she even bother to wear that seemingly stocking like dress? Here’s hoping she didn’t get herself wet on the night, as we all know what happens to these type of always winning lottery tickets that are useless when they get soggy…

  11. Carlos T. Jackal

    Ha ha – nepo-shit Jaden Smith thought everyone would be looking at him “Look! I have a HOUSE on my HEAD! Aren’t I amazing and worthy of all the attention?”

    Meanwhile, just down the red carpet, the kanye and over-inflated sex doll show is just getting started…

  12. Spankmaster

    Stick with the barge pole being shoved up your arse by your friend Dockie. At least that way you’ll both fuck each other to death.

    The real Spankmaster, in written form, has spoken…

  13. tekwhat

    Has she ever smiled? Does she know how to smile? She has no smile lines, or frown lines for that matter. She looks so vapid and dead inside and out.

    Her nipples look like omelettes before you fold them over…I think that’s a piece of onion or no wait, its a part of a nipple that’s been destroyed by implant scars.

    Her tits are atrocious and she barely has an ass. Spread the pussy wide open next time and maybe I won’t yawn.

  14. Kiern

    Just imagine that a men would get a see through pants showing his penis on the red carpet…
    All the woman go instantly for a me2


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