30 thoughts on “Beyonce Knowles Sexy (16 Photos)

      1. shane

        God Damn Snowflake! …… Jay Z is ugly!!!! What Black people cant be described as ugly now even if they are? Fuck off with your PC crap!

        1. Zippo

          so it’s PC to be a racist jackass? well you two Idaho fucks fit right in….she’s beautiful and her kid is cute…..and you’re poor as dirt…..she isn’t

          1. Zippo

            …I know I know I think all kids are cute especially after some candy and kool-aid…but you racists need to to get a grip…embrace the black…go downtown with the brown….Idaho is good for only one thing…large spuds I can shove up my size queen ass….

  1. Erogenous Jones

    How lucky we are that these leaked pictures have appeared on here. Wherever else would we have seen them ?

    1. Zippo

      …I was like that too…but I was able to control my gag reflex….I can now take Jizz from JZ or any other BBC….

  2. Zippo

    all you racist fucks are just afraid of black folk and a strong black woman…but dont worry because you’ll never have one….real brown sugar is oh so sweet and racists are scared little ass kissers….

  3. Spankmaster

    I wish it had been me who got her in that condition. I’d have had fun lots of times and it would certainly given her limp dick husband pointers…

  4. Nyany

    And assuming these infantile comments that make no sense came from children or actually even from a few older people which definitely they have a lack of perspective on life, not learning yet how to express their appreciation to personalities, women or girls. A smart person said : A woman makes a man to be a man, appreciation to a woman is essential on basic of this world ”
    Don’t worry young or older peers of this web, y’all will understand how to be humble and yourself one day.

  5. Jefe

    Black woman are just not attractive. Black men can be attractive though. Its a paradox. A mystery to science.


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