33 thoughts on “Bella Thorne Sexy (16 Pics + Video)

    1. Filet Mignon Jr

      Probably because her dumb dildo dad got himself killed on a motorcycle when she was a child and she had to pimp herself out to disney pedos and agents.

      Her dumb dildo was supporting a family of 6 (wife didn’t work) with 4 daughters under ten, so the dumb dildo decides riding a motorcycle in broward county florida (home of the worst drivers in the U.S.) without a helmet is a sensible choice and gets killed. FF, Bella has to become a child actress at disney and all the misery that entails.

  1. Corey "I owe my bookie" booker CFA, MBA

    The only thing more disgusting than Bella, are the freaks she dates.

  2. RelentlessOnanism

    I know we all say the same thing every single time…she looks like she’s a meth addict who doesn’t wash…but she’s still got an amazing body. There must be a sex tape out there somewhere, preferably involving her eating out her sister.

  3. some dude

    I dont get it, she just fuck anybody she crosses paths with? Until some days ago she had a girlfriend and was a lesbian, now she has a boyfriend, what the fuck is that life style?

    1. Sebastian

      Its Hollyweird! How does Vince Vaughn fuck Jennifer Aniston? How does a regular joe blow in rehab end up meeting Demi Lovato in rehab and fucking her for a few months? How does Bam Magera fuck Jessica Simpson? My point is anything can happen to anybody in Hollyweird. You cant explain it.

  4. iron bull

    she just has a mental beakdown 1 week ago and wrote jibberish , and her looser model frieds come out and lie ….its ok girlllll……and she wonders why shes called a pig animal wit pimples.

  5. klawicki

    Remember when she broke up with that one guy a couple years ago? She said he wasn’t in it for any long term thing and she didn’t like to jump around from guy to guy.


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