12 thoughts on “Barbara Schoeneberger Nude & Sexy (6 Photos)

  1. Pooches

    The fapp blog, apart from prostitutes, unknowns and deformed transvestites like the British shitface with the two balloons, now featuring ugly grandma’s selfies. Wtf

  2. Spankmaster

    Christ no, please! Someone lock the door on the old folks home and get her back to her medication. Even Amsterdam has its limits on this sort of activity..,

    1. Doctor Dick

      That is clearly Spankmaster in drag :-( “barbara schöneberger” translates into australian as “Spankmaster takes it up the shitter” . ‘Shitter’ being a pommie bastard euphemism for arse . Is Dead Rolf Harris out sucking kangaroo cocks again. The australian national sport. You really need to put in on your flag! G’day

      1. Spankmaster

        Just fuck off and die as painfully and pointlessly as possible. There you are Dockie, reality check, free of charge..,

        1. Doctor Dick

          G’day sport. I think Dead Rolf Harris has fucked one too many Kangaroos. And got that boomerang stuck up his arse.

          1. Spankmaster

            Do us all a favour and have a shower for once in your life. You might actually enjoy getting clean, despite being a pointless pommie bastard.

            That being said, here’s a song to the tune of the Birds Eye Fishfingers advert. It goes like this:

            I’ll sing you a song, the song of the seas.
            All pommies are bastards.
            Catch ‘‘em and cook ‘em and have them for tea.
            All pommies are bastards.

            There we are. Now fuck off and die. Reality check, free of charge…

          2. Doctor Dick

            I am a pommie bastard :-) I know where you want Captain Birdseye’s fishy fingers ! Up your arse. Along with Rolf Harris’ “didgereedoo” and Jimmy Saville’s cigar. Make Australia Great Again

  3. WTF crapper????

    Crapper wtf is wrong with you? I’ll be 43 in October and I don’t think this chick is sexy.


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