Ashley Graham Flaunts Her Curves at the 2024 Victoria’s Secret Show (67 Photos)

Ashley Graham slays her Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show runway debut in totally sexy style, strutting her stuff like a boss at their highly-anticipated 2024 event.

Later, Ashley steals the show at the after-party, rocking a sultry black dress that highlights her ample cleavage.


21 thoughts on “Ashley Graham Flaunts Her Curves at the 2024 Victoria’s Secret Show (67 Photos)

  1. Severin

    Her legs are much too fat, but if I had the opportunity to pummel her big ASS they wouldn’t distract me.


  2. Severin

    I hope the VS pics of Lisa from Blackpink are forthcoming.


  3. Pooches

    If that ball of fat would stop eating like a fucking pig, she could look okay, minus the saggy skin now. She’s actually got an okayish face. But no, burgers, fries and coke.

  4. chum

    Its normal for a woman to put on weight as she ages, but you dont put them in negligee and have them strut on stage. Thats just cruel.

  5. Doctor Dick

    All the woke diverse lefties telling her she is still beautiful and has a perfect figure as she looks like a fat blob waddling down the catvwalk. Anything to keep the fat old bitches thinking they look better as they praise her for being so brave,a all the time sneering at her.

    Open your eyes fatty


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